(Savannah, Ga / Charlotte, NC) Colonial Group, Inc., has announced that Quintin Felton has received the
Savannah-based company’s fourth annual Robert H. Demere, Jr. Soaring Eagle Award. The award’s
2024 recipient was revealed at the annual company party held at the Marriott Savannah Riverfront
on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025.

The award was named in honor of the company chairman, Robert H. Demere, Jr., who served as its
president and chief executive officer from 1986 to 2021. Colonial Group has continued to operate as
a privately held business since 1921 through the chairmanships of its founder, Raymond Demere;
his son, Robert H. Demere, Sr.; and Robert’s son, Demere Jr. In 2018, Christian B. Demere became
president of the company and then succeeded his father as CEO in December of 2020.
Demere presented the award during Colonial Group’s “Sand & Sea” themed annual company party.
The award was first developed in 2021 to commemorate the company’s centennial celebration and
employees participated in the nomination and voting process.
“Quintin is an example of some of the very best of Colonial,” said Demere. I’m grateful for his
dedication to his work and the unwavering support he provides his colleagues. We are fortunate to
have him as part of the Colonial family, and this award is well-deserved.”
Felton, a five-year veteran of Colonial, began his career as an Operator I in 2020 and quickly
advanced to his current role as Operations Supervisor. His colleagues nominated him for this
esteemed recognition, emphasizing his exceptional character and unwavering dedication to his
“There is no limit to what he does as an employee,” shared one of Quintin’s nominators. “He
consistently goes above and beyond, always willing to lend a hand and support his colleagues in
achieving their goals.”
Another colleague noted, “Quintin is known by everyone on my team as the man you can go to if you
need some help. He is well-liked by all employees here because of his selflessness and willingness
to go the extra mile for all of them.”
Colonial’s more than 2,200 employees had the opportunity last fall to select one of their own who,
throughout their career at Colonial, has exemplified service, integrity, entrepreneurship, and family.
The guiding principle of this award is that “there is no limit to what a person can achieve if they don’t
mind who gets the credit”.
Felton and future award winners will receive a $7,500 bonus and one extra week of vacation. The
company plans to continue to bestow the award to one employee each year who consistently
embodies Colonial Group’s core values.
A fourth-generation family-owned business founded in 1921, Colonial Group Inc. (“Colonial Group”)
is a diversified energy and port-related company headquartered in Savannah, Ga., and one of
America’s largest privately held companies. Over the years, the business has diversified to be the
umbrella company of Aqua Smart, Colonial Chemical Solutions, Colonial Energy, Colonial Oil
Industries, Colonial Terminals, Colonial Towing, Colonial Transportation Solutions, Crown Carbon
Reduction Technologies, and Enmarket.
Tara Nobles
Marketing Manager, Colonial Group, Inc.
Marjorie Young
Carriage Trade Public Relations® Inc.