(SAVANNAH, GA) Over 300 people turned out for The International Diamond Center’s Diamond Dash. Park Place Outreach – Youth Emergency Shelter, a temporary shelter and outreach service that serves youth from Savannah and the surrounding area, was the designated charity for raffle  PHOTOS:


(SAVANNAH, GA) A FREE Global Business Seminar, Breaking into the Chinese Market, will be held Monday, October 22 from 9:30 AM to Noon at the Coastal Georgia Center, 305 Fahm Street.  To register contact MarRonde Lotson by email at mlotson@savannahga.gov or by phone at (912) 525-3100 Ext. 1878.


(SAVANNAH, GA) At Goodwill, everything – from your donations, to the revenue they generate, to the specialized training it provides – stays in OUR community. http://www.goodwillsavannahga.org/ 



(SAVANNAH, GA) Come out and support Savannah Morning News political reporter and columnist, Larry Peterson, as he signs copies of his new mystery novel, Last Days of the Coastal Empire. Signing will be Saturday, October 27 from 1 – 3 PM at E. Shaver Books on Bull Street. http://www.lastdaysofthecostalempire.com 


(SAVANNAH, GA) Learn how to take your business to the next level with the 2012 QuickBooks Seminar. Hancock Askew & Co. LLP is hosting the FREE classes at the Learning Center at their offices at 100 Riverview Drive. Classes for different levels are being held October 23, October 30, November 6, and November 13, all classes are from 9 AM – Noon. Contact Barbara Fierstein at (912) 527-1337 or bfierstein@hancockaskew.com.


(SAVANNAH, GA) The 2013 Savannah Book Festival directors have elected three new members to its volunteer board, Dr. Mark Murphy, Libba Anderson and Will Holland. Newly elected officers for the Savannah Book Festival are Ann Higbee as vice president and Lesley Francis as secretary. Higbee chairs the Festival’s LITERATI committee and Francis chairs the Visibility Team. Stephanie Duttenhaver has been re-elected as president of the Festival and Scott Richards as treasurer. www.savannahbookfestival.org 


(BLUFFTON, SC) Grab your golf clubs and come out for the Palmetto Animal League’s ‘Putt for PAL’ charity golf tournament. The 4-person shamble starts at Noon on Monday, Dec. 3 at Belfair’s Fazio West Course in Bluffton. Register online to play or to purchase a hole sponsorship ‘in memory of’ a beloved pet at www.palgolf.golfreg.com or email PuttforPAL@PalmettoAnimalLeague.org or call Wendy Schlegel at 843-815-3011 or Bob Elliott at 843-706-9015. For more information on Palmetto Animal League visit their website at www.palmettoanimalleague.org or visit their Facebook page.


(SAVANNAH, GA) You are invited to CEMCS PTO Fall Celebration at Bamboo Farm and Coastal Gardens on November 17 from 11 AM – 4 PM. Enjoy live music, bounce houses, face painting, carnival type games, and much more. More information at http://www.cemcspto.org/uploads/3/1/2/4/3124054/fall_celebration.pdf. 


(SAVANNAH, GA) Come out and watch HBO’s, The Weight of the Nation. Screenings: October 27, 4 PM, Beach Institute. November 20, 5:30 PM, Southwest Library.


(SAVANNAH, GA)  Researchers from Illinois University found that a five percent improvement in cardio respiratory fitness from cycling led to an improvement of up to 15 percent in mental tests. That’s because cycling helps build new brain cells in the hippocampus – the region responsible for memory, which deteriorates from the age of 30. https://bicyclecampaign.org/ 


(SAVANNAH, GA) Celia Dunn Sotheby’s International Realty presents: 204 E. 40th Street http://www.celiadunnsir.com/listings/residential/mls-101994-204-e-40th-street/ By agent Stacy Donegan.


(SAVANNAH, GA) Skidaway Institute of Oceanography professor Clark Alexander and Georgia Southern University professor Chester Jackson will present a program entitled "Living on the Edge – Coastal Hazards in Georgia" on Monday, October 22, at 7 p.m. in the Library Auditorium on the campus of the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography at the north end of Skidaway Island. The talk is open to the public and admission is free. www.skio.usg.edu 


(SAVANNAH, GA) The Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Association will meet Saturday, Oct. 27, 10:30am at the Barnes Restaurant at 5320 Waters Ave. in Savannah.  Harvey Varnedoe, RN and polio survivor, will discuss pain management.  Polio survivors and guests are invited.  For information call 912-927-8332 or go to  



(SAVANNAH, GA) Pasta on the Park for a great cause!  Enjoy family fun the evening before the 2nd Annual Savannah Rock N’ Roll Marathon on Nov 2 at 4pm at the American Legion  All money from the pasta dinner will go to support Liam’s Land Medical Research Grant for lymphatic malformation.  $10 now or $15 at the door. www.liamsland.org/2011/rock-the-marathon-for-liam-pre-race-carbo-loading-dinner/




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