(SAVANNAH, GA) Kiwanis Club of Skidaway Island announces their newly installed officers for the 2016 year. They are: Joyce Glenn, President, Ben Gustafson, President-Elect, Ron Weber, Secretary, Jay Ahrens, Treasurer, and Bob Norton, Past President.

In addition, three new board members were installed. These are Dave Fox, Kevin O’Neil, and Ton Stephens. In addition, Charlie Arraiz was appointed to fill a previously-vacated board position.
The Kiwanis Club of Skidaway is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of the youth of Chatham County, one child at a time. Volunteers serve in a wide variety of agencies and non-profits throughout the county, working with children in schools, sports, churches, and many other programs.
Throughout the year, Kiwanis of Skidaway holds several fund-raising events and projects, the proceeds of which are donated to local agencies working primarily with disadvantaged youth. In 2015, the club has donated over $65,000 to such causes in and around Savannah.
Kiwanis Club of Skidaway raises awareness about at-risk children’s needs. Since the club was established (in 1988, initially as Golden K of Skidaway), they have supported more than 40 area organizations in Chatham County and have provided more than $1,400,000 of grants. For more information, visit http://www.kiwanisofskidaway.com
Cecilia Russo
Cecilia Russo Marketing