$7000 is available for applicable projects, events and programs that include COVID/FLU awareness activities.
(SAVANNAH, GA) Healthy Savannah has announced it is offering grant funding to support Back-to-School and other community events organized by its faith community partners. Funds are available for applicable projects, events and programs through mid-September 2022 that include COVID-19 and flu awareness activities.
Healthy Savannah is looking to disperse approximately $7000 in grant money that is specifically earmarked to be spent in the faith community. The funds are part of an effort funded by a supplemental grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to broaden initiatives of the current Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) grant, administered by Healthy Savannah and the YMCA of Coastal Georgia. The goal of this initiative is to focus on COVID-19 and flu vaccine access, awareness, and acceptance, particularly in Savannah’s Black and Hispanic communities.
“Working and partnering with the faith community is an important part of our activities and outreach efforts,” said Elsie Smalls, PhD, operations manager. “Many social movements and valuable community programs that have served our communities most effectively have been through relationship and collaboration with our faith leaders and members.”
Individual organizational grant amounts may range from $500 to $1500, depending on the content of the proposed plans. Smalls says funds are available immediately, upon approval of a plan submitted by an organization. All approved plans must be implemented, and activities completed, by September 18, 2022.
African American and Hispanic faith-based organizations, churches and places of worship located in the priority population communities served by Healthy Savannah are eligible to apply. The funds may be used to provide new or expanded activities or events and must benefit individuals and families in the community and/or priority communities served by Healthy Savannah.
Examples of the types of projects, events or programs that could be funded are:1. Put on a youth department summer event, (i.e. Back to School), that includes a session on questions, concerns, and ideas from young people regarding COVID-19 and flu education, awareness, access, and acceptance.
2. Expand a current health ministry program to present a community health fair. Provide handouts, educational materials, and community resources to address, access, awareness, and acceptance of COVID and flu information.
3. Develop and host a community forum (virtual or in-person) to educate and discuss the mental, emotional, psychological and trauma related impact that COVID-19 has had on underrepresented and disenfranchised communities.
4. Design products like school backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, coloring books church fans, congregational buttons/lapel pins, Bible bookmarks or other items to share with the congregation and community with messaging about COVID and flu; include an inspirational message of hope.
“We encourage you to be creative and innovative in presenting a plan that reflects the unique ideas that will offer the best benefits to your community,” said Smalls. “Our goal is to support Covid-19 and flu education and awareness programs and services in our communities through our faith-based partnerships.”
Applicants are asked to present a one-page plan that includes an explanation of the activity or event to be funded, the activity name and proposed date, a description of the content, the activities that will be used to promote the event, and how the program is expected to engage residents who live in the surrounding neighborhoods.
The event/activity must also support COVID-19 and flu vaccine education, awareness, access, and acceptance in Chatham County’s priority communities.
Applications are due on or before Friday, July 22, 2022, and early applications are encouraged. For more information and to apply, contact Dr. Elsie Smalls at elsie@healthysavannah.org, referencing the following in the email subject line: Faith and Health Funds Grant Application- Summer Program.
ABOUT THE YMCA OF COASTAL GEORGIA/HEALTHY SAVANNAH GRANT FOR RACIAL AND ETHNIC APPROACHES TO COMMUNITY HEALTH: In September 2018, Healthy Savannah and the YMCA of Coastal Georgia were awarded a five-year, $3.4 million grant called Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health. Awarded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the funding is being deployed in an “upstream” approach by the Savannah/Chatham County project team to foster sustainable health equity among Black residents in low-wealth neighborhoods. The aim of the local project, called Healthy Opportunities Powering Equity, or HOPE, is to increase the availability of high-quality nutrition; promote physical activity through creating greater access to safe places to walk, run, bike, and play; and foster stronger connections between people and the healthcare providers who serve them. Working with more than 200 community partners and organizations, the team is committed to elevating the health and wellness of the community through policy, systems, and environmental change.
healthysavannah.org ymcaofcoastalga.org.
Marjorie Young
Carriage Trade Public Relations® Inc.