(AUGUSTA, GA) Paine College Wins Prestigious Technology Award for Best QuickLaunch Single- Sign-On System. http://paine.edu/ 


(AUGUSTA, GA) AUGUSTA ARTS COUNCIL ANNOUNCES 2014 ARTS AWARDS WINNERS. Winners will be honored at the Greater Augusta Arts Council’s Annual Awards Dinner and Meeting, Thursday, June 19 at 6:00PM at the Sacred Heart Cultural Center. See www.augustaarts.com for this year’s winners and event details.


(AUGUSTA, GA) Historic Augusta, Inc. and the Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History present “This Place Matters: Preserving Augusta’s African-American Communities” on June 20-21, 2014 at Williams Memorial CME Church and Shiloh Comprehensive Community Center. This year’s focus is the Turpin Hill neighborhood. For more information or to reserve a space, call Historic Augusta at (706)724-0436 or the Lucy Craft Laney Museum at (706)724-3576.


(MASHABLE.COM) Google Launches New Platform to Connect Businesses With Customers: http://mashable.com/2014/06/11/google-my-business/ 


(AUGUSTA, GA) Explore the Georgia Regents University Campus Master Plan and share your opinion at http://www.gru.edu/facilities/cmp/. 


(AUGUSTA, GA) Looking for a brand new home close to downtown Augusta? Only a few homes remain available on Pine Street at Heritage Pine, Laney Walker/Bethlehem’s flagship development. See www.heritagepineaugusta.com for property listings or contact Team Kenley, Meybohm Realtors at 803.257.7264 or 706.664.2534.


(INC.COM) 4 Tips to Unplug and Promote Creativity: http://www.inc.com/peter-gasca/four-tips-to-unplug-and-promote-creativity.html 


(AUGUSTA, GA) The Augusta Recreation, Parks and Facilities Department and Special Events Office present the Live After 5 Music Series, Friday, June 20 from 6:00 -8:00 PM on the 8th Street Plaza, 1 8th Street, Augusta. For more information, please call (706) 821-1754.


(AUGUSTA, GA) The City of Augusta Summer Concert Series features the Kenny George Band Saturday,  June 21, 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the Jessye Norman Amphitheater located at 1 9th Street, Augusta. For more information, please call (706) 821-1754. Sponsored by the Augusta Recreation, Parks and Facilities Department and City of Augusta Special Events Office.  


(FORBES.COM) The Biggest Mistakes C-Level Candidates Make When Seeking A New Job: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kimberlywhitler/2014/06/05/the-biggest-mistakes-c-level-candidates-make-when-seeking-a-new-job/ 


(AUGUSTA, GA) The Paine College Summer Series features an exciting lineup of art activities, movies, and fitness at the H.E.A.L Complex. Sign up at https://www.facebook.com/PaineCollege/app_128953167 


(AUGUSTA, GA) The Civil Rights Movement in Augusta, GA Exhibition runs from June 1 – August 30, 2014 at the Lucy Craft Laney Museum. The exhibition features historical documents, photographs, art, guest speakers, a virtual map of historic black heritage locations in Augusta, and a new video series about the past, present and future of the civil rights movement. www.lucycraftlaneymuseum.com 


(AUGUSTA, GA) Follow AUGUSTA COMMUNITY HEADLINES™ on TWITTER at  https://twitter.com/AGSHeadlines   


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