Dr. Angela Canfield Announces Planmeca ProMax X-Ray Technology

Dr. Angela Canfield Announces Planmeca ProMax X-Ray Technology

(SAVANNAH/RINCON, GA) Angela Canfield, DDS, introduces the Planmeca ProMax to Premier Dental Designs in Rincon, a family and preventative dentistry practice. The Planmeca ProMax is a complete imaging center for digital X-rays, which allows streaming of digital X-rays from tablet to computer.

“The Planmeca ProMax machine produces less radiation than conventional x-ray technology that is often used,” commented Dr. Canfield, “To give you a comparison, my machine emits less radiation than the amount a person would be exposed to walking outside or eating a banana.”

The Planmeca ProMax machine incorporates autofocus positions to get perfect images every time and reduces the need for multiple takes and patient discomfort. With clearer images, problem areas can be detected much earlier. The machine also recognizes patients’ anatomy to calculate the placement of bitewings, pans or full mouth series, which is the foam pad that must be placed between the teeth, helping to reduce gag reflex for the patient.

Romexis software, which works with Mac OS and Windows, is upgradable, lowering the out-of-pocket cost for patient X-rays, which is recommended at least once a year. Also, this machine may be used with a cadcam machine to mill crowns. In the future, this machine will be upgradable to be used to take cephalometric and perform implants.

“Our patients will really save because this technology allows us to catch small things faster before they get to bigger, more expensive fixes,” said Dr. Canfield.

The Planmeca ProMax machine will also be introduced to Dr. Canfield’s second location, Sandfly Family Dental, opening in the Norwood Market in September. For more information on the Planmeca ProMax machine, visit http://www.planmeca.com/na .


Premier Dental Designs office is located in Rincon, Georgia at 5871 HWY 21 South. Dr. Canfield is licensed by the Georgia Board of Dentistry and the National Board of Dentist. Premier Dental Designs offers Family/Preventative Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Orthodontic Dentistry, Digital X-Rays, E4D One Day Crowns, Electronic Claims, Intra Oral Camera and Paperless Charting. The office is open Monday through Thursday and evening appointments. Scheduled to open in September is her second dental office in Sandfly, Georgia. For more information, call 912.826.4037 or visit http://www.premierdentaldesigns.com/ . For more information about the Sandfly location, visit http://www.sandflyfamilydental.com/ .

For more information, contact: 
Angela C. Canfield DDS
912-713-1398 Cell
912-826-4037 office

Media inquiries, contact: 
Cecilia Russo
Cecilia Russo Marketing

Marjorie Young
Carriage Trade Public Relations, Inc.

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