The Local News Wire

(SAVANNAH, GA) On Jan. 22, the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah unanimously adopted a Complete Streets ordinance that will help make our city’s streets safe and appealing for people of all ages and abilities. The purpose of the ordinance is to "to encourage healthy active living, reduce traffic congestion and fossil fuel use and improve the safety and quality of life of residents of the City of Savannah by providing safe, convenient and comfortable routes for walking, bicycling and public transportation."

(SAVANNAH, GA) Dr. Angela Canfield of Sandfly Family Dental in Savannah, GA announces the first talk in the 2015 Inspiring Smiles Series will be held Tuesday, January 27 at 6 p.m. Free. The discussion is titled  Mercury Removal in the the Mouth. To RSVP, call Dr. Canfield at 912-349-0472. http://www.sandflyfamilydental.com/

(SAVANNAH, GA) Celia Dunn Sotheby’s International Realty presents 423 Bull Street, Savannah, Georgia. This 6 bedroom, 6.5 bathroom house is 8,310 square feet. It was designed by the well-known New York architect, John Norris, and built in 1858, with renovations done recently. For more information: http://celiadunnsir.com/savannah/idx/mls-131204-423_bull_street_savannah_ga_31401

(SAVANNAH, GA) Enmark’s 2015 Encourage Health Educational Series presents their 2015 lineup helping nonprofit organizations. The series will feature four presentations throughout the year, with the first lecture, "5 Strategies for the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Obesity,"  presented on Tuesday, February 24 from 11:30am to 1:00pm by Nathan Mikeska, BS Nutrition, CPT, CWC and Courtney Peterson, Certified Health Education Specialist and wellness coach at Ourlife Health. RSVP FOR A FREE LUNCH: http://healthysavannah.org/event-sign-up-page/

(SAVANNAH, GA) The Savannah Jaycees announces that Charles Bowen will be the second speaker in the 2015 Leadership NOW Lecture Series on Tuesday, February 3 at the Savannah Jaycees headquarters, located at 101 Atlas Street. Open networking begins at 5:30 p.m. and the program will run from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Free and open to the public: Visit https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/01/14/charles-bowen-of-the-bowen-law-group-to-speak-at-leadership-now-lecture-on-tuesday-february-3/

(MASHABLE.COM) 3 simple tips for winning the hearts of an online community

(SAVANNAH, GA)  The Savannah Morning News invites you to dine like royalty at Savannah’s finest restaurants and help Second Harvest Food Bank of Coastal Georgia.  Savannah Restaurant Week is January 23 through February 1. For more information: dining.savannahnow.com.

(SAVANNAH, GA) Savannah’s Small Business Council presents 2015’s first speed networking session where Each attendee will have 30 seconds to present who they are and what their company does.  The event will take place on February 11 from 8-9am at the Savannah Marriott Riverfront. For more information contact SBoaen@SavannahChamber.com.

(SAVANNAH, GA) The Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter announces their Celebration of Love event, an evening of jazz, auctions, dinner and entertainment, taking place Friday, Feb. 6 in celebration of the organization’s 31 year anniversary. The evening will start at 6 p.m. at the Plantation Club of the Landings. For More information, visit https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/01/12/a-celebration-of-love-concert-to-benefit-park-place-outreach-on-february-6/

(BUSINESS INSIDER) 7 Valuable Leadership Lessons From LinkedIn’s Billionaire Founder. http://www.businessinsider.com/linkedin-reid-hoffman-leadership-lessons-2015-1#ixzz3Pa9KVPkl

(SAVANNAH, GA) The Small Business Council will be hosting a SMART luncheon on Tuesday, February 3 on "Improvements to the City of Savannah’s Business & Permitting Processes" and "Construction & Permitting Trends." For more information, contact Stephanie Boaen, 912-644-6458 or SBoaen@SavannahChamber.com.

(GOODWILL OF THE COASTAL EMPIRE) Goodwill assists veterans by providing temporary, transitional and permanent employment. Goodwill’s staff remains in touch with veterans to provide support services for an additional nine months to ensure successful reintegration into the community.  Assistance will be there to help with problems on the job, housing and financial management, etc. To learn more visit http://goodwillsavannah.org/mission/veteranservices/

(SAVANNAH, GA) Savannah Yoga Center is proud to partner with One Love Animal Rescue. Attend one of Savannah Yoga Centers weekly community classes (Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.) to help raise funding for the rescue. 100% of Community class proceeds will go directly to One Love Animal Rescue. For more information, visit  http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001y-LjquE6UgKBCJr41R5BVEEcqr1piJ7HFPrt7–EWNQYqtvHNRhHlGgHlefKPPhDwjm5wgppPuhKsun3bD7pDEG2_GcoeSKFm-equoEdGY3ohlI0qnp1SMyIFXe0v7JqhFKkmO-aOZwXB0vhSGJRODShHqk0Sef0QYXYIJPpmMc=&c=TJeYimnC0mGKJdjR_lqe9uOeKtIU2O5lKE3bOM5NffMz4gHr_XMt8Q==&ch=y_WFXbN_DGtzLc9ZHOyfjgZoe82AKuQWytganIPcJpbqBTCteLmwKQ== 

(SAVANNAH, GA) BiS Profile: Jake Shapiro, CEO of Moon River Studios: http://businessinsavannah.com/bis/2015-01-19/bis-profile-jake-shapiro-ceo-moon-river-studios

(A&C GOLD & DIAMONDS) Fun facts about Diamonds: Diamonds are virtually fireproof and to burn a diamond, it must be heated to 1292 degrees Fahrenheit. Even though the U.S. produces almost no diamonds, America buys more than 40 percent of the world’s gem quality diamonds – making it the world’s largest diamond market.  For more information visit, http://www.gia.edu/gia-news-research-diamond-fun-facts

(SAVANNAH, GA) The Matthew Reardon Center for Autism is presenting their 15th anniversary kick-off celebration with an Oyster Roast and local craft brew,featuring musical talent The Skiplings. The event will take place on Saturday, January 31. For more information, email matthewreardon.org or visit http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001y-LjquE6UgKBCJr41R5BVEEcqr1piJ7HFPrt7–EWNQYqtvHNRhHlD90d2DP1Y-v5vnVyeqGepmrqVO2mVXZVVC0_Gb7zaPLZQjYEQVZe4E40YgJpI9Io6tDg27bYGw68Gw053nPU8uYn_xhQsHNpcjm-G6NwgLMDfi8XIj1LeX3VDtsr8ywlg==&c=TJeYimnC0mGKJdjR_lqe9uOeKtIU2O5lKE3bOM5NffMz4gHr_XMt8Q==&ch=y_WFXbN_DGtzLc9ZHOyfjgZoe82AKuQWytganIPcJpbqBTCteLmwKQ==

(SAVANNAH, GA)  Living Independence for Everyone (LIFE), Inc., is excited to announce a new water bill discount for residents with disabilities who qualify.  To be eligible, applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 64, live within the city of Savannah and have a household income below $958 (if single) or $1,293 (if married). For more information:  http://www.lifecil.com/category/news/

(SAVANNAH, GA) Just a reminder, when choosing a preserve for shooting, make sure you check their dog policies. Rivers & Glen Trading Co. can help you with all of your shooting questions. For more information, call 912-349-2352 or visit http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001y-LjquE6UgKBCJr41R5BVEEcqr1piJ7HFPrt7–EWNQYqtvHNRhHlH58lSNDZIoFeijsXD1x2eW76bpQa-TS_epQCCe6GNr4ZNALbiFxVsHz6zhW-JVjDg7PwxlG9I7aIVCTDIywqhfu-98jPSBUEJ0It_H1_Y57g5BG5Ldmx10=&c=TJeYimnC0mGKJdjR_lqe9uOeKtIU2O5lKE3bOM5NffMz4gHr_XMt8Q==&ch=y_WFXbN_DGtzLc9ZHOyfjgZoe82AKuQWytganIPcJpbqBTCteLmwKQ==

(SAVANNAH, GA) Hospice Savannah, Inc. & The Steward Center for Palliative Care present a lecture series titled "Things no one wants to think about, but should: The advantages of advance care planning" by Thomas J. Smith, MD. The public is invited to attend on January 30 at noon. For more information, call 912-298-0313.

(SAVANNAH, GA) Wesley Community Centers of Savannah, Inc. announces The Love Walk-scheduled for Saturday, February 14. The 3.6K walk begins at 9:00 am and will take place at Wesley (1601 Drayton Street). Join Wesley for pre and post rallies, door prizes, a silent auction, entertainment, and fellowship. Funds raised will support critical programs that directly impact women, children, and families who are struggling through poverty to find self-sufficiency. "It’s a Love Thang!" For more information, call (912) 236-4226 or visit  http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001y-LjquE6UgKBCJr41R5BVEEcqr1piJ7HFPrt7–EWNQYqtvHNRhHlCRUinKzpssu2P3AZgL07HiZmsLbrjAv7SpgKTwu1L3XU3-X0H40g4jBGIYSqW3uMn-HU-nMhw8S0oYRVh2kYsugNtjg8AneLGibj5yk2XfSRq5ZAjD6dy_Lr6nuBKxi8g==&c=TJeYimnC0mGKJdjR_lqe9uOeKtIU2O5lKE3bOM5NffMz4gHr_XMt8Q==&ch=y_WFXbN_DGtzLc9ZHOyfjgZoe82AKuQWytganIPcJpbqBTCteLmwKQ==

(SAVANNAH, GA) Park Place Outreach – Youth Emergency Shelter (PPO) announces the launch of their redesigned website, which features several upgrades including a new secure online donation interface. This will give visitors a more convenient way for people to help further fund PPO operations. For more information, visit https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/01/20/park-place-outreach-launches-redesigned-website/

(SAVANNAH, GA) Savannah SCORE announces the Top Ten Tips Lecture Series, entitled "Top 10 Tips to Make Your Small Business Lawsuit-Proof." The presentation will be held in the SCORE conference room, 111 E. Liberty Street, Savannah, on Wednesday, February 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The expert speaker will be business attorney Charles Bowen, founder of The Bowen Law Group. The lecture is free and open to the public. Please RSVP with SCORE at 912-652-4335. For more information, visit https://carriagetradepr.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1750&Itemid=16

(WRIGHT SEC) Icy weather cracks tree limbs and downs power lines. With Wright Security Systems, your home will remain protected and connected, even when the power’s out. Using a reliable, cellular connection, your system will continue to secure your home. The mobile app will also function to control our other home automation devices. When the power is restored, you will be notified immediately. For more information on Wright Security Systems, contact Noel Wright at 912.354.2692

(SAVANNAH, GA) Join AWWIN (Assisting Working Women In Need) on Friday May 8, 2015 at the Mighty Eight Air Force Museum in Pooler, GA as they will honor some trailblazing women in our communities. Guests will have the opportunity to meet ten outstanding women leaders in the community as they are honored as the AWWIN Top Ten Working Women Of The Year. To purchase tickets: http://www.awwin.org/content/get-your-2015-tickets-awwin-top-ten-gala

(SAVANNAH, GA) Meet Carmela, a six week old calico kitten who needs a home. Carmela is good with other cats, dogs, and children. She is also microchipped and housebroken. To view Carmela or other adoptable pets, visit: http://coastalpetrescue.org/adopt/

(SAVANNAH, GA) Fashion Stylist and Designer, Ashley Borders, launches her services as personal stylist and image consultant in Savannah. Borders has worked in the fashion industry in several major international and national markets. Services include wardrobe audits, corporate image consulting(personal branding), personal styling and personal shopping. Borders’ goal is to develop her clients’ own personal style that fits with their personality and lifestyle. http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001y-LjquE6UgKBCJr41R5BVEEcqr1piJ7HFPrt7–EWNQYqtvHNRhHlJ9rgVV_w5QmeRHgvd-oghwfindQ1Ct2LkkGHEkPds2oqSOa2zPZhWGJGpVP8tXN3k04okz9Xoxlhy5ChXaMT3WdKeUxRNjQ4ThekSShkb_01jrdK1H1ODyzcXYW94a39g==&c=TJeYimnC0mGKJdjR_lqe9uOeKtIU2O5lKE3bOM5NffMz4gHr_XMt8Q==&ch=y_WFXbN_DGtzLc9ZHOyfjgZoe82AKuQWytganIPcJpbqBTCteLmwKQ==

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