(SAVANNAH, GA) Learn how you can have lower utilities bills for
your home or company at the March 24 meeting of the Savannah Chapter
of the United States Green Building Council. Georgia Power experts
will explain their free energy audits that include an examination of
your home or company plus recommendations about how you can lower your
energy costs.
"Energy efficiency relates to the bottom line in
business," said Kerry Bridges, marketing field engineer for
Georgia Power. He will discuss industrial and commercial energy
audits. "It potentially is going to help out with the bottom
line. The greener and more efficient you become, the more money you
are going to save in the long run."
He commonly sees customers have 10 to 20 percent savings after an
audit. Some have been able to cut their bills by up to 30 percent, but
that requires an investment by the company.
For the free energy audits, a Georgia Power specialist examines the
building and then provides a report with recommendations of what the
company can do to reduce energy bills. Bridges will also discuss
another free service – modeling capabilities for new
construction or renovation projects that allow customers to look at
different systems and determine what their payback would be for each.
Before beginning the auditing process, the Georgia Power specialists
ask the company officials how soon they want payback from their
investment in greater efficiency; most companies or organizations
choose to break even in two to eight years. There are even some state
and federal incentives for energy efficiency.
Residential energy specialist Wayne Grimes will cover issues such as
weather stripping around doors and windows, appliances, the importance
of thermostat settings, insulation, water heater settings, and routine
maintenance for HVAC systems.
"Customers can spend as little as $5 and as much as $200 for
small improvements and save hundreds of dollars in a year,"
Grimes said. "Audits help our customers mitigate their energy
costs and protect the environment through energy conservation."
The meeting will be held March 24 from 5:45-7 p.m. on the second floor
of Wild Wing Cafe in City Market. It is free and open to the public.
RSVP by March 20 at www.usgbcga.org.
To find out more about a free Georgia Power energy audit, call
888-660-5890. Industrial and commercial customers can ask their key
account manager or sales executive.
The Savannah Chapter of the United States Green Building Council is
dedicated to promoting sustainable design and green building
throughout the Creative Coast. The group meets monthly on the fourth
Tuesday of the month. The meetings are open to the public, and
everyone is encouraged to attend. The USGBC-Savannah Chapter seeks to
educate the public on the long-term benefits of green building and how
sustainable design can be integrated or implemented into one’s life.