(AUGUSTA, GA) Former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, along with members of her nationally-acclaimed organization Purpose Built Communities, visited Laney Walker/Bethlehem this past week on a general information and discovery mission to explore development and investment opportunities. Purpose Built is all about holistic redevelopment – it focuses on education, health and wellness, and housing (among others), and has become a national model on how to transform urban centers into thriving places.
(AUGUSTA, GA) The Morris Museum of Art is featuring photographer and filmmaker Kendall Messick for a talk and screening of his acclaimed film The Projectionist. Afterwards, enjoy music by Matthew Buzzell and cocktails in the galleries.Thursday, January 31 at 6:00 p.m.
(AUGUSTA, GA) Laney Walker/Bethlehem kicked off its 5-Year Birthday celebration with a two-day retreat January 17 – 18 to begin to map out plans for the coming five years. Members of the LWB development team, including representatives from Augusta’s Housing Department and APD, met with representatives from various community organizations to consider ways to link developments in Laney Walker/Bethlehem to the rest of Augusta’s urban core.
(AUGUSTA, GA) The Wallace branch of the Augusta Regional Library (located on Laney Walker Boulevard)is featuring a talk by Kristin Eberhart entitled ""To College or Not?". February 13 at 11:00.
(AUGUSTA, GA) The Laney Walker/Bethlehem Revitalization Initiative has received a 2013 National Planning Excellence Award from the American Planning Association and Department of Housing and Urban Development. This prestigious national award places emphasis on how creative housing, economic development, and private investments have been used in or with a comprehensive community development plan to empower a community. laneywalkerbethlehem.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/HUD-AugustaLaneyWalker2013_web.pdf.
(AUGUSTA, GA) This week’s YouTube video from the desk of Mayor Deke Copenhaver features Augusta’s Sustainability Manager, John Stout.
(AUGUSTA, GA) GRU is rolling out its plan for street calming along Laney Walker Boulevard, a plan that many are citing as a win-win solution to reducing potential vehicle fatalities while also maintaining connectivity to adjacent neighborhoods such as Laney Walker and Bethlehem.
(AUGUSTA, GA) The New Bethlehem Community Center is featuring an event of fellowship, food, and entertainment to improve the quality of life, called “The 2013 Souper Bowl.” Saturday, Feb. 2, 5 pm at Fat Man’s Cafe. For more information, contact Sheridan Glaze at sheridanglaze@aol.com
(AUGUSTA, GA) The Laney Walker/Bethlehem development team is set to release an RFP for development of a Heritage Trail for this award-winning development. More more information, contact Abbie Rickoff
(AUGUSTA, GA) The Heritage Pine Homeowners Association will hold its next monthly meeting on Monday, January 28, 6 to 8 pm at 1228 Laney Walker Boulevard. www.heritagepineaugusta.com
(AUGUSTA, GA) Sign up for the AUGUSTA, GA COMMUNiTY HEADLiNES: http://www.laneywalkerbethlehem.com/media/community-headlines/.