(AUGUSTA, GA) The Laney Walker/Bethlehem Development team is beginning initial historical research on African-American heritage in Augsta, as part of what eventually will be a Heritage Trail for the City. Anyone one having old photographs that will help document life in the community should contact Glenda Matute (gmatute@assetproperty.com) or Dr. Lee Ann Caldwell (lcaldwel@aug.edu).
(AUGUSTA, GA) For the third year, the Morris Museum of Art is participating in the Blue Star Museums, a collaboration among the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, The Department of Defense, and more than 1500 other museums across America. The arts community is extending a special invitation to military families to enjoy over 1500 museums this summer. May 29 to Sunday, September 2, 2012 www.arts.gove/bluestarmuseums, www.themorris,org, www.augustatomorrow.org.
(AUGUSTA, GA) The Laney Walker/Bethlehem Development Team will be making presentations this Thursday,May 31 at the Central Office of the Augusta-Richmond County School system. The presentations will focus on home ownership opportunities for school employees, Two, 1-hour sessions at Noon to 1 pm and 1 pm to 2 pm. Lunch will be provided. www.laneywalkerbethlehem.com
(AUGUSTA, GA) The Lucy Laney Museum of Black History is featuring the photography of David Leigh, highlighting ten years of work capturing majestic images of beauty in nature. Opening reception June 3 from 3 – 5 pm. http://www.lucycraftlaneymuseum.com/events.htm
(AUGUSTA, GA) Laney Walker/Bethlehem will be showcased this summer in Washington, DC at the national Neighborhood Revitalization Conference. Chester Wheeler, Director of Augusta’s Housing Department, and Jesse Wiles, President of APD Urban Planning & Management, which serves as the project manager for Laney Walker/Bethlehem, will both be featured in a presentation on regenerating the American city.