(SAVANNAH, GA) The Cinnamon Bear Stores, a family-owned group of high-end gift markets serving the Southeast for more than 20 years, will open its fifth location on Tuesday, June 13, at Twelve Oaks Shopping Center, 5500 Abercorn St. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held at 11:30 a.m.; food and refreshments will be available for guests. To celebrate the grand opening, Cinnamon Bear’s owners will donate a percentage of total sales for the month of June to the Marne Community and Spouses’ Club of Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield and will offer a 15 percent discount during the grand opening day to those with a valid military ID. For more information, visit https://cinnamonbearstores.com
The Cinnamon Bear Team
(SAVANNAH, GA) First Presbyterian Christian Academy in Hinesville, Ga., is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, http://fpcahinesville.com/. Designed by Speros, a full-service technology company headquartered in Savannah, the site features up-to-date technology and easy functionality that allow school administrators to make their own routine updates. For more information, visit speros.com
(SAVANNAH, GA) Pictured from left to right are Toby Browne Jr., vice president of the Exchange Club of Savannah, Michael Hughes, president of Bethesda Academy and Larry Reid, president of the Exchange Club. Hughes discussed his vision for the future of Bethesda Academy and the new direction the curriculum will take in 2018 when it will focus intensely on #LEADERSHIP. For more information, visit http://www.bethesdaacademy.org
(SAVANNAH, GA) Applications are now being accepted for Leadership Savannah 2017-18. To apply, visit www.leadershipsavannah.organd click on the Apply button. Applications will be accepted through June 23.
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Small Business Council Smart Luncheon is Tuesday, July 11 in the Savannah Morning News Auditorium. Networking begins at 11:30 a.m., lunch and program begins at noon. Paula Kreissler, director of Healthy Savannah and Encourage Health, will present How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle While Working a 9-to-5-Job. $12 for Chamber members only. For details, visit http://www.savannahchambernews.com/events/small-business-council-smart-luncheon-july-11/
(EFFINGHAM, CO.) The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society (LDSS) will host their ninth annual Camp Buddy summer camp in Effingham County from Monday, June 26, through Friday, June 30. Camp Buddy runs from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. for kids ages 3 – 7 and 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. for kids over the age of 7. For more information, visit http://www.ldssga.org/
Camp Buddy in Chatham Co. will begin in July.
(SAVANNAH, GA) Going through a divorce? Sam Hubbard of Coastal Divorce Advisors shares his four game-changing tips for those in the midst of a divorce. To ensure a successful outcome, you’ll need steady financials, a team of experts, a fair mindset and a strong focus. For more tips and suggestions, check out
(SAVANNAH, GA) The 2017 Enmarket Bridge Run is calling for sponsors. Taking place on December 2, this annual race over Savannah’s Talmadge Bridge is known as “the South’s toughest bridge run.” Participants can look forward to medals for all races, a costume contest, live music, free beer and Brunswick stew as part of the Michelob Ultra Post-Race Party, presented by Host South. For more information about event and corporate sponsorships, please contact Ben Wilder at BWilder@VisitSavannah.com or 912.644.6414
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Center for a Sustainable Coast is hosting a celebration and conference on Saturday, June 17, to acknowledge 20 years of protecting Georgia’s coast. The program will discuss a retrospective of Georgia’s coastal issues and the profound challenges that lie ahead. This year’s keynote speaker will be Professor Geoffrey Heal discussing “How Neglecting Nature Threatens Our Prosperity.” The event is open to the public. Fee is $20 and includes buffet. RSVP here: 912-506-5088, https://www.facebook.com/Center-for-a-Sustainable-Coast-141003446180/timeline/ and www.sustainablecoast.org
(MASHABLE) WhatsApp is What’s New In Video Calling
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Creative Coast and Bull Street Labs are pleased to announce the recent hire of Courtnay Coco Papy as Community Manager. She comes to The Creative Coast and Bull Street Labs with a background in community organizing, education and communications. For more information, visit
(THE BOWEN LAW GROUP) PNC Bank National Association v. Smith found that lenders must comply with the confirmation statute before they can pursue borrowers or guarantors for further deficiencies after foreclosures. They also found that guarantors and borrowers could waive the requirement that lenders do so (there was no such mention of this ability to waive confirmation protection in the original statute). Find out more changes to the Georgia Banking Law from this decision: http://www.thebowenlawgroup.com/blog/changes-to-georgia-banking-law-from-the-recent-georgia-pnc-bank-case
(SAVANNAH, GA) Savannah City Council is moving forward with plans for a new arena and build-out of the surrounding Canal District. Savannah City Manager is recommending approval of a $1.7 million design services contract with engineering firm Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung International Inc. Follow link for more details: http://savannahga.gov/CivicAlerts/SingleAlertItem?alertID=1565
(SAVANNAH, GA) Dr. Robert Rollings will present “Seven Ways Your Heart Health is Linked to a Healthy Lifestyle” on June 27 at the second lecture of the 2017 Encourage Health Education Series. The lunchtime event will be hosted in the auditorium of the Savannah Morning News. Rollings is a cardiologist certified in echocardiography and nuclear cardiology who practices at Memorial Savannah Cardiology. During this event a $1,000 Encourage Health grant will be presented to the Savannah Striders for promoting an active lifestyle. To RSVP for this free event: http://healthysavannah.org/events/7-ways-your-heart-health-is-linked-to-a-healthy-lifestyle/
(SAVANNAH, GA) Beginning June 13, the Gray’s Reef Film Series returns through August 1. Movies begin at 7 p.m. For more details, visit http://graysreef.noaa.gov/
(SAVANNAH, GA) Make a connection with other Chamber members on Wednesday, Aug. 30, Savannah Morning News Auditorium. Attendees will have 30 seconds to present who they are and what their company does. Breakfast begins at 8 a.m., and the program starts at 9 a.m. $15 for each Chamber member. To learn more or to RSVP: http://savannah.simpleviewcrm.com/webapi/rsvp/v2/?action=details&noredirect=1&eventId=54
(TIME) 7 Great Podcasts That Will Teach You Something About Money
(THE DEWITT TILTON GROUP) The City of Savannah and Chatham County have regulations to control and minimize the adverse impacts of land development and to control post-construction stormwater runoff rates, volumes and pollutant loads on development and redevelopment sites. If your development process violates the Stormwater Management Ordinance, the local government can order you to stop work, withhold certificate of occupancy, revoke permits and even impose civil and criminal penalties. For more information, visit
(SAVANNAH, GA) Chatham Area Transit announces that it will join other public transportation systems nationwide to participate in the twelfth annual National Dump the Pump Day on Thursday, June 15. For details, visit http://www.catchacat.org/getting-around/dump-the-pump-day/
(SAVANNAH, GA) Cynthia Wright, Junior Partner of Carriage Trade Public Relations and President of Savannah Jaycees, highlights the mission of the Jaycees organization, “to inspire leadership through community involvement”, and the way the Savannah Chapter reaches out to the community to fulfill it. To see the full talk:
(SAVANNAH, GA) STEAM Fest is set for Saturday, June 24 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Georgia Railroad Museum, 655 Louisville Road, Savannah. For details, visit
(STATESBORO, GA) The UGA Small Business Development Center in Savannah and the UGA SBDC at Georgia Southern present a class on June 15 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This workshop covers important tools and resources a business owner needs to establish a solid foundation during its early formative years. For more information, visit http://www.georgiasbdc.org/starting-a-business-course/
(SAVANNAH, GA) The CFO Council hosts legal expert Jeffery Williamson at the Wednesday, June 21 monthly meeting, 7 a.m., The Coastal Georgia Center. Presentation topic: Corporations Versus LLCs: Which Entity Is Best For Asset Protection? For more information or to RSVP, visit https://sites.google.com/site/savcfocouncil/
(ROTARY) Local Rotary Clubs Complete $1 Million Humanitarian Project in Southern India with Support from The Rotary Foundation and Rotary Clubs Abroad
(SAVANNAH, GA) Subaru of Hilton Head will host its June Yappy hour at New River Auto Mall on June 14, 5-7pm. This monthly event benefits Southeastern Guide Dogs and Savannah Puppy Raisers. Yappy Hour is BYOD (Bring Your Own Dog) with puppies on site from Savannah Puppy Raisers. Monetary and puppy item donations, especially of puppy training treats, are welcome at the event. Follow the link to a video with more information:
(SAVANNAH, GA) Horizons Savannah’s Summer Sizzler 5K will be held Saturday, June 24 at JC Cannon Fields on Wilmington Island. The 2017 Summer Sizzler is the only professionally timed 5K race in the Savannah area in the month of June. The finish line party is a family friendly event that includes cool summer treats and a special awards presentation to age group winners. In place of traditional medals, winners are given summer themed ceramic medals hand painted by Horizons students. For more information, call 961-8854 or visit sizzler5k.org
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Savannah Jaycees are now accepting nominations for Savannah area singles to be featured in the 2017 Charity Date Night Auction. The fourth annual Charity Date Night Auction will be held on Thursday, July 20 at 7 p.m. at Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos,” located at 314 Williamson St, Savannah, GA 31401. To be considered, email nominations to the Savannah Jaycees at savannahjaycees@gmail.com. Nominations should include name, age, contact information, ideal date and an attached headshot.
(SAVANNAH,GA) Friends of Animals of the Coastal Empire is hosting their annual auction on Saturday, Aug. 26 at Savannah Station (601 Cohen Street) from 7 – 11 p.m. To purchase $45 tickets or for more information, visit http://www.friendsofanimalscoastalga.org/
(SAVANNAH, GA) Coastal Pet Rescue introduces Ike, a male Siberian husky who is about 2 years old. Ike is a recent rescue to CPR. He has lots of energy and gets along well with other dogs. To view Ike and other pets available for adoption, visit: http://coastalpetrescue.org/adopt/view/2017-d-115-ike/