Donate to Goodwill of the Coastal Empire as Georgia Gives Day Fast Approaches

Donate to Goodwill of the Coastal Empire as Georgia Gives Day Fast Approaches

(SAVANNAH, GA) For 2014, the Georgia Gives Day is Thursday, November 13. With the goal of raising as much money as possible in a 24 hour period, Georgia Gives Day inspires individuals to donate to participating nonprofits through

The Georgia Gives Initiative is a collaboration of the Georgia Center for Nonprofits (GCN) in partnership with participating nonprofits, state agencies, corporations and businesses, associations, foundations and public relations and advertising firms.

Georgia Gives Day was co-created by the nonprofit sector itself. It does not support any singular cause or one locale. It is an initiative of the state’s nonprofit sector, pulling together to ask Georgians to stop and consider their own lives and communities and what they would be without the manifold benefits of the states various nonprofit service organizations.

One of the 30 member organizations of the statewide Georgia Gives Day Taskforce is Goodwill of the Coastal Empire. Goodwill is tasked with raising local and regional awareness of Georgia Gives Day and the Georgia Gives Day website at On the site, donors can donate to the organization or cause of their choice. Organizations are listed by cause and individually.

Goodwill of the Coastal Empire is vital to Coastal Georgia and the Lowcountry in bringing much-needed services and programs to the area that serve the unemployed, homeless, and struggling veterans with programs that have high rates of proven success.

Goodwill of the Coastal Empire started in 1965 with eight employees and a $60,000 budget in a time when there were few community organizations helping people with disabilities. Today, the organization has more than 850 employees and a budget of $24+ million. Services have expanded in recent years with the opening of nine Job Connection Centers. These centers connect businesses and job seekers in local community, as well as the surrounding counties. The centers offer a wide array of services and classes.

In 2013, Goodwill of the Coastal Empire provided services to 19,518 people and placed 1,672 people into employment through various programs offered throughout the region. Goodwill served more than 1,924 veterans in various programs by providing classroom employ-ability training, job search assistance, job placement for veterans, life skills and money management training, and referring veterans to housing programs.

Goodwill offers meaningful services for individuals with disabilities and their families by fostering a sense of community among these groups. It creates an inclusive community where people with disabilities can participate, give back, and become active members of our community.

The 45-year success and growth of Goodwill of the Coastal Empire is made possible by the substantial community support it receives each year. Georgia Gives Day on Thursday, November 13 is an excellent and convenient opportunity for community-minded individuals to make secure donations via the web from the comfort of their own home or office.

The Georgia Gives website accepts gifts to nonprofits all year long. However, as with any organization, Georgia Gives is on a fiscal year. November 13, 2014 is designated as Georgia Gives Day as the final push to raise funds for deserving Georgia organizations for the year. It’s not the only opportunity to give to Goodwill but it is one of the best from a convenience and timing standpoint. Going to the Georgia Gives Day website on or before Thursday, November 13 and making a donation to Goodwill of the Coastal Empire ensures that your gift is recorded in this fiscal year, as well.

The web platform,, will help nonprofit organizations increase giving, reach new donors and expand marketing reach through an engaging public mass media campaign. Nonprofits will have immediate access to view their donation amounts, donor lists and other critical data to track their progress on Gives Day.

Georgians have proven themselves generous. Many give to and volunteer in causes. However, there are still many who are not personally invited to participate in the health of Georgia’s nonprofit sector, according to the Georgia Gives Day website. Georgia Gives Day is a vehicle by which many Georgian’s find a convenient way to donate their talent and treasure for the good of the greater cause.

Goodwill of the Coastal Empire, Inc. is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization with over 850 employees. In 2013, Goodwill provided services to 19,518 people and placed 1,672 into employment. Goodwill serves 33 counties in Georgia and South Carolina, operating 19 retail locations, and nine Job Connection Centers. Goodwill accepts tax deductible donations of clothing, household items, computers, and car donations, as well as operates an online store at For more information on Goodwill of the Coastal Empire, please visit Find us on Facebook: Savannah Goodwill or follow us on Twitter: @SavGoodwill.

Jan L. Bass
Marketing Director
Goodwill of the Coastal Empire

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