Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society to Host Night of Champions
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society (LDSS) is hosting its first ever Night of Champions. This new community event is aimed at recognizing the excellent contributions made by workers with Down syndrome. The event is also designed to celebrate area businesses who are hiring people with intellectual disabilities and to encourage other local employers to do the same.
According to the National Down Syndrome Congress Center, as many as eighty percent of adults with Down syndrome are unemployed. Low expectations and a lack of understanding about the great skills and wonderful work ethic many people with Down syndrome possess have contributed to this sad statistic. LDSS hopes to reverse this trend by encouraging area employers to give workers with intellectual disabilities a chance.
“People with Down syndrome are just like the rest of us,” said LDSS Vice President and Night of Champions Chairperson, Brooke May. “We all have special talents, gifts, and skills that can be developed and used in the workforce. I hope Night of Champions gives people that ‘aha’ moment where you say yes, people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities are capable and can do a great job somewhere if given the opportunity. As the mother of a seven year old with Down syndrome, I’m hoping for the day when my child will be a fully productive member of society and that includes finding meaningful employment.”
Night of Champions will take place Thursday, June 10th at The Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum in Pooler. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the awards program will begin at 7 p.m. Catering will be provided by The Lady & Sons Restaurant. Night of Champions is open to the public. Tickets are $15 each. For more information, please contact Brooke May at b.may602@comcast.net.
About the Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society:
Established in 2006, the Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society (LDSS) is a non-profit family support group designed to benefit people with Down syndrome and their families. The LDSS is an affiliate of the National Down Syndrome Society, a national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.
The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society provides outreach to families in eight local counties. Families are encouraged to bring their children with them to meetings, which are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. These gatherings usually include a guest speaker as well as social time for families to meet and share with one another. For more information call John or Candy Bogardus at (912) 728-8505 or visit the website at http://www.ldssga.org.