Skidaway Kiwanis Awards Grants to Local Savannah Non-Profit Organizations
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Kiwanis Club of Skidaway presented $56,000 to local charities during its annual awarding of grants event on Thursday, September 28 in the Plantation Ballroom, The Landings, 1 Cottonwood Lane, Savannah, Ga 31411.
“The Kiwanis Club is pleased that we are able to help local service organizations meet their needs this year,” said Ben Gustafson, Kiwanis President. “We care deeply about the children of Chatham County, especially at-risk children who need help to grow, learn, be safe and lead healthy, productive lives.”
The mission of the Kiwanis Club of Skidaway is to help at-risk children in the Savannah area. The Kiwanians of Skidaway spend countless hours volunteering and raising money through events, member support and corporate donations to help those in need.
The organizations receiving a 2017-2018 grant include:
America’s Second Harvest — Kids Cafe
Backpack Buddies of Skidaway Island
Childhood Cancer Family Support Fund
Coastal Children’s Advocacy Center
Coastal Conservation Association
Congregation Agudath Achim (Back Pack Buddies)
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
Faith Equestrian Therapeutic Center
Family Promise of Greater Savannah
Georgia Sheriff’s Youth Homes
Greenbriar Children’s Center
Hesse K8 PTA
Horizons Savannah
Junior Achievement
Local Outreach Volunteers Educators (L.O.V.E.)
Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire
National Museum of the Mighty 8th Air Force
Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter
Performance Initiatives Fitness Savannah
Social Apostolate
Special Olympics
Union Mission
Wesley Community Centers of Savannah
Youth Challenge Academy
To learn more about Kiwanis Club of Skidaway, visit

The Club has been serving Savannah’s kids since 1988. Skidaway Kiwanis raised and distributed over $1,400,000 and invested over 300,000 service hours in their mission of helping the children of Savannah. They currently have 134 members—men and women who meet every Thursday morning in the Plantation Club ballroom for breakfast, a brief business meeting, and a guest speaker. Each week, the speaker discusses some area of interest, such as local history, local or national events or issues, sports, art, literature, business, education or service opportunities. The club sponsors several fundraising events each year to support its charitable causes and has other fundraising programs that operate year-round. In addition, many of their members are involved as volunteers at youth service organizations in the area.
Cecilia Russo
Cecilia Russo Marketing, LLC