(SAVANNAH, GA) John Reddan, Chief Executive Officer of Coastal Eldercare Solutions, has been named the president elect for the Savannah Coalition on Aging. He fits the role perfectly, as he has a strong passion for making the aging process as smooth and comfortable as possible.
Reddan prides himself on helping senior citizens and their families. He recently released a 280-page guide to hundreds of eldercare services and companies in the Coastal Empire. The book, titled Reddan’s Coastal Eldercare Directory, has more than 4,000 copies of the latest edition in circulation. The guide covers the Savannah, Hilton Head, Bluffton and Beaufort areas.
Then, there’s his business. Coastal Eldercare Solutions is a consulting practice designed to help area businesses restore productivity for their workers who are overwhelmed by the care-giving needs of their parents.
His new role as president-elect will allow Reddan to work with approximately 100 people in the Coastal Empire who are involved with senior care organizations and businesses. He will spend the next two years learning about the Savannah Coalition on Aging and then will assume the role of president of the organization.
To learn more about Coastal Eldercare Solutions, or to order a FREE copy of Reddan’s Coastal Eldercare Directory, call (912) 353-9000 or log on to www.eldercare-savannah.com.