Carriage Trade Public Relations, Inc.


(SAVANNAH, GA) Are you trying to lose weight? Have you been working out since January 1st with little to no progress? Are you doing the same routine you have always done expecting different results this time because you are "serious". Crossfit says, "routine is the enemy." Try to change up what you do (exercises, intensity, duration, etc…) to give your body a new stimulus. Variance in your program can lead to better results and breakthroughs in plateaus. Need help? Go to www.crossfithyperformance.com or sign up for the second lecture in the 2015 Enmark Encourage Health Education Series, "Crossfit, Why and How It Works in Weight Loss," presented by Drew McKenzie, owner and operator with Crossfit Hyperformance on Tuesday, April 28. A free and Healthy lunch will be provided, but RSVPs are required at Healthy Savannah’s website,    http://healthysavannah.org/event-signup-form-crossfit/.

(SAVANNAH, GA) April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month: Do you know your risks for oral cancer? Every sixty minutes, a person dies from oral cancer. The disease is typically associated with long-term tobacco use, but it is becoming more frequent in young adults who have never smoked, but who may have contracted a common virus. Read more at http://savannahnow.com/accent/2015-04-20/do-you-know-your-risks-oral-cancer

(SAVANNAH, GA) Meet at Creators Foundry for a complimentary lunch courtesy of Liquid Capital and a lively discussion with Brian Birnbaum of Liquid Capital about getting the cash flow you need for your business on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Additional lending panelists include Wendy Jeffers and Brady Cannon of the Small Business Assistance Corporation. Please RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/liquid-capital-of-the-south-coast-luncheon-when-the-investor-says-no-tickets-16519482216

(SAVANNAH, GA) Tune in to The Southern Scene on WSAV this Wednesday, April 29 at Noon to see a behind the scenes look at the Canfield Mouth Shield Program. Here’s the sneak peak, but don’t forget to watch on Wednesday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6qLs9mg55s&feature=youtu.be     And for those Savannah area sports teams who would like to be considered for this year’s mouth guard donation, apply online at http://www.sandflyfamilydental.com

(SAVANNAH, GA) Matilda Jane Clothing is pleased to announce the inaugural Derby Day Mother Daughter Chari-TEA to be held on Saturday, May 2 at the Savannah Golf Club, located at 1661 East President Street. Tea and cookies will be served from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Tickets are $25, with proceeds benefiting The Next Generation. Keeping in the tradition of Derby Day, guests are invited to wear their favorite hats. For more information, visit https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/04/07/mother-daughter-derby-day-chari-tea-to-raise-funds-for-local-childrens-hospital/

(FACEBOOK) 27 Facebook Business Tips Learned At The Facebook Small Business Boost Event – http://blog.socialmediaadgenius.com/facebook-business-tips/

(SAVANNAH, GA) Sponsored by Stevens Hale & Associates, the Royce Learning Center announces the inaugural Bourbon and Bowties to be held on Thursday, April 30 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum, located at 41 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The evening will spotlight locally sourced bourbon, hand rolled cigars and everything Southern. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit https://roycelearningcenter.org/bourbon-and-bowties/

(SAVANNAH, GA) Felder & Associates is pleased to announce the architecture firm has been recognized with the AIA Georgia 2015 Design Award in Renovation for its rehabilitation project of the historic Greyhound Bus Depot, now a new restaurant, The Grey. The Georgia Association of The American Institute of Architects (AIA) presented its 2015 Honor and Design Awards on April 11 in Atlanta. For more information, visit https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/04/17/georgia-architects-association-grants-design-award-to-felder-associates/.   

(LOW COUNTRY DERMATOLOGY) Designated by the American Academy of Dermatology, National Melanoma Skin Cancer Awareness Month is celebrated in May aiming to raise awareness about skin cancer, increasing the chances of early detection so treatments can be given early. Wear orange on Monday, May 4 in recognition on Melanoma Monday, and find out more information about skin cancer risks at https://www.aad.org/spot-skin-cancer/community-programs-events/melanoma-monday

(WAYNESBORO, GA) Georgia Department of Transportation has announced a second hearing for the public to voice their questions with the Palmetto Pipeline, which will be held at Waynesboro in Burke County. GDOT gave the date as May 7 but said the exact location had not been determined. For more information, visit http://www.pushbackthepipeline.com/ 

(SAVANNAH, GA) There will be brunch and concert starting at 1 p.m. Sunday, May 3 at The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort and Spa, which will serve as an "appetizer" for the unveiling of the 2015 Savannah VOICE Festival line-up.  The May 3 Prelude Concert and Brunch will showcase opera, musical theatre and popular song performed by some of the Festival artists as a "taste" of the range of genres featured during the Festival. Tickets to the "Prelude to the Festival Brunch and Concert" cost $55 and are available until Tuesday, April 28, by calling 855-76-OPERA or online at www.SavannahVOICEFestival.org.

(RICHMOND HILL, GA) The Bryan County Bark Park will hold the first Yappy Hour of 2015 on Wednesday, April 29th from 6-8pm at Fish Tales Restaurant at Fort McAllister Marina featuring acoustical guitarist Ricky Standard.  The evening includes fun raffle prizes and dogs will again be able to enjoy the Bark Park’s popular peanut butter doggie smoothies.  A wide range of canine and human merchandise will be available for purchase.  Visit our website at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013MkN_a_4re6U1j7AnC0lIHOyfXJVgmA1i4zkVZpl8KmZO8hvdmHkLbRbQUa8Sy2Vgg7B7fTvJ7PAH4PX4MyZt2JLu4cG0hLzWaSYh5z75ViTxwVJwQ6txwCA6x2gXIADrF7GyAMpF9MrZpWnV92GLegAje9e7DWEXQg4UC79rrOM4T3tHX1f6l9jajf0ESxzpn5ImbdeyASv8p7Bwr5OWHncHrmuRAEUaX0PQ4QFxHojFv-isxv77fI-RjbYqo9knr6UpOg88DkPhrWZBevgOlfX5nl7rkilB7MnE-9FjkrWIZCLtB30jw==&c=rF2laSPr5zB7-wyZFC7UaIEBEzZtCALPpdWM5YSgEAXJTOAWdsVOkg==&ch=GmbRZGHT90Az9RBUfYJ0YfqedGjDTFwrkaMLR6sZW6_uODoMCiSsbA== and follow us on Facebook.

(SPEROS) 8 Benefits of Responsive Web Design

(SAVANNAH, GA) Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire’s Wine Women and Shoes, a wine pairing, shoe shopping fundraiser to help raise money in the fight for our critically ill children and their families here in Savannah, Georgia, was held on April 16. If you missed the festivities, check out footage of the event at https://youtu.be/YTbffqVYdcw

(SAVANNAH, GA) SCORE is offering free webinars in April to help small businesses. On April 30 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm, the webinar will be on the 5 Steps to Build Your Sales System to Increase Your Conversion Rate and Grow Your Sales. To learn more and to register, visit: https://cc.readytalk.com/r/wf1sd90we351&eom

(HOSPICE SAVANNAH) Moving On by Moving Around. http://newoldage.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/06/05/moving-on-by-moving-around/?module=BlogPost-ReadMore&version=Blog%20Main&action=Click&contentCollection=Essay&pgtype=Blogs&region=Body&gwh=438E421080874DE56FFA3EDB6785F6E4&gwt=pay#more-16954

(SAVANNAH, GA) Wilderness Southeast is offering a Salt Marsh Kayak Tour on Tuesday, April 28. Participants will be able to kayak the tidal creeks and salt marshes and to learn the fascinating systems, living and otherwise, that influence our richly productive marshes. Your Wilderness Southeast Naturalist Guide will enthrall you with tales of this place, from the earliest humans on these shores to the variety of wildlife that lives here. For more information and to register, call 912-236-8115

(MASHABLE) Don’t Get Fired: This App Will Delete Your Embarrassing Posts on Social Media

(SAVANNAH, GA) Enmark Stations will hold Full-Service Fridays across Ga., SC and NC to raise funds for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). A Full-Service Friday allows customers to pull into the Enmark Store, where members of the Enmark management team will be pumping gas, wiping windows and handing out coupons in hopes of collecting donations for LLS’ 2015 Light the Night event. Local radio stations will be broadcasting at each event. Hot dogs, drinks and snacks will be available and donors will be entered to win Enmark cash cards and other prizes. For more information, visit http://www.carriagetradepr.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1812&Itemid=16

(INC) The 10 Commandments of Leadership

(SAVANNAH, GA) The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society (LDSS) announces the sixth annual Night of Champions will be hosted Thursday, May 14 at 6 p.m. at the Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa – Hotel Grand Ballroom. This community celebration distinguishes local organizations that hire and retain differently-abled people, including those with Down syndrome, and recognizes the contributions made by these employees. This year’s Night of Champions will be emceed again by celebrity chef and author, Jamie Deen. For more information, visit https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/ldss-announces-night-of-champions-to-honor-differently-abled-working-adults-and-their-employers/

(SAVANNAH, GA) The ability to cast a perfect loop should be the goal of all fly fishermen. A perfect loop leads to greater casting accuracy, better fly presentation, efficient line control and greater casting distance. Get guidance on your perfect loop with the experts at Rivers and Glen Trading Co. for more information, call 912-349-2352 or visit http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013MkN_a_4re6U1j7AnC0lIHOyfXJVgmA1i4zkVZpl8KmZO8hvdmHkLfikz2Je3Sr2toVZiEldS7-cTk-MfPR5L_Y11vIGUqHuS9fmoDz1WprYp59X3IbE0kEFW25nrpMraNyqFMEZpBDOa0RS815acbbyj9d-YF4jYeIylhUHevpZkfSimwldXx8JUfY9Ew4QSVVhUiIeXAquTk5PjK2YSzO1N0p0siaLqHLVkB2sHE9gElxc1c2PRWIIpzDs5eoEJCHj28_F8UMZUDyiGh-ezNsolq9My02P&c=rF2laSPr5zB7-wyZFC7UaIEBEzZtCALPpdWM5YSgEAXJTOAWdsVOkg==&ch=GmbRZGHT90Az9RBUfYJ0YfqedGjDTFwrkaMLR6sZW6_uODoMCiSsbA==

(THE BOWEN LAW GROUP) Is Tiered Regulation good or bad for Banks? http://www.thebowenlawgroup.com/blog/is-tiered-regulation-good-or-bad-for-banks

(SAVANNAH, GA) On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, from 11:00am to 1:00pm, the Title Sponsors; SCORE and Wells Fargo will present: The STATE OF SMALL BUSINESS. Reports will be issued by 10 area experts that will have 3 minutes each to present their information on measurable benchmarks relating to our Small Business Community. The FREE conference will take place at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center located at 1 International Drive. For more information, visit https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/04/10/score-and-wells-fargo-to-sponsor-the-state-of-small-business-conference-on-june-24-2015/

Did you know that many youth run away, and in turn become homeless, due to problems in the home, including physical and sexual abuse, mental health disorders of a family member, substance abuse and addiction of a family member, and parental neglect. In some cases, youth are asked to leave the home because the family is unable to provide for their specific mental health or disability needs. Still some youth are pushed out of their homes because their parents cannot afford to care for them. Find out more common reasons why youth runaway by visiting http://www.ncsl.org/research/human-services/homeless-and-runaway-youth.aspx

(SAVANNAH, GA) Hospice Savannah offers their annual Camp Aloha that gives children, ages 6-17, the tools they need to cope with the loss of a loved one. The camp will be May 1-3 at the New Ebenezer Retreat Center in Rincon. If you are interested in registering, volunteering and to want to view the camp video, visit http://www.hospicesavannah.org/Camp_Aloha

(SAVANNAH, GA) Join AWWIN (Assisting Working Women In Need) on Friday May 8, 2015 at the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum in Pooler, GA as they will honor some trailblazing women in our communities. Guests will have the opportunity to meet ten outstanding women leaders in the community as they are honored as the AWWIN Top Ten Working Women Of The Year. To purchase tickets: http://www.awwin.org/content/get-your-2015-tickets-awwin-top-ten-gala

(ATLANTA, GA) Georgia Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols presents Wind Power, a lunch and learn on Friday, May 8 from 11:45 am to 1:30 pm. This interactive panel discussion will present the opportunities and challenges in Georgia’s wind energy future. The lunch will be held at the State Bar of Georgia Offices, 104 Marietta Street, 3rd Floor Auditorium, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. To RSVP, contact Stephanie Stuckey Benfield at (404) 659-3122, ext. 226 or sbenfield@greenlaw.org.

(SAVANNAH, GA) Ogeechee Riverkeeper announces a program for the 10th Anniversary Rivers Rock starring The Accomplices on May 9 from 3:00pm-6:00pm at the Moon River Brewing Company, 21 West Bay Street.  Tickets are priced affordably with all proceeds going to support the work of Ogeechee Riverkeeper, a 501(c) 3 non- profit organization. This event is part of the celebrations around Ogeechee Riverkeeper’s 10 exciting years of advocating and looking out for an important part of Coastal Georgia’s most beloved natural resources.  Sponsorships for the event are available and offer a range of benefits including company branding on event materials and the Ogeechee Riverkeeper website.  For more information about Rivers Rock, sponsorship opportunities and to buy tickets visit www.ogeecheeriverkeeper.org or call (866) 942-6222.   

(SAVANNAH, GA) The Coastal Center for Developmental Services is sponsoring "Play for a Purpose" on May 16 to benefit Community Employment Services, a critical component of CCDS, which has carved out more than 200 jobs in the community for people who have intellectual disabilities.
To learn more and register as a player or a sponsor, visit http://www.ccds-sav.org/media/2015%20Golf/2015%20CCDS%20Golf%20Tournament%20Information%20Sheet_web.pdf

(POOLER, GA) The National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force will be "Swingin’ in the 40’s" at the annual fundraising gala, The Legacy Ball on May 16 from 6:30pm to 11:00pm at the Mighty Eighth Museum in Pooler. The black tie optional evening will include cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, a full catered dinner and both a silent auction and for the first time, a limited live auction. Live & Silent auction items include hotel stays in Clearwater, Florida, Atlanta, Georgia, and Savannah, tickets to Disney, a fishing trip, artwork, and much more! Tickets are available for $100, and table of 10 are $900. Please contact Lynn Alexander for more information at lalexander@mightyeighth.org or call 912.988.1836

(SAVANNAH, GA) Travel by pontoon boat to Ossabaw’s Bradley Beach on May 16.  Spend time wandering the wide, uninhabited beach. Re-board the boat and travel to the island’s North End, to enjoy an interpretive tour that includes ecology and history. You’ll have time to wander the North End on your own, before returning to the mainland. For more information and to register, visit: http://www.ossabawisland.net/saturdaymay7thgullah-geecheedaytriptoossabaw.aspx

(SAVANNAH, GA) EYE Gotta Run/walk 5K–RUN4SIGHT will be held on May 30th, 2015 at Daffin Park.   Registration begins at 7:30 am, runners start 9:00 and walkers start 9:15. All ages are welcome to join. Medals, Prizes, T-shirts and Fruits and water will be available for participants. If you would like to be a sponsors for our T-shirts, Banners or a Gold Sponsor, please let us know. Register online: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013MkN_a_4re6U1j7AnC0lIHOyfXJVgmA1i4zkVZpl8KmZO8hvdmHkLSh3Qjk20plYpBBD0C5c6r-04hkF2QuF1c78FfGPsf-T4zHsv_dha5jmmcnIwPiwJpsTrJK1tVHDZqMHgKkBhUU_x0I2Nlf7IY-IefNXaw2zc-t0ECrQIY1uHD5zfO0rIFf-oRbicEdjJpRT9SBZ5X8bA5Nv0PQ2ckYe7kiWtxHqBfScTOwbsi4yalWgrHkeFkYZ9ygVM_mw2zom8ydPjpvuikCTV4UUwCu8aAPwVsYdNYLZOw1P2XM9W3CfObwvgw==&c=rF2laSPr5zB7-wyZFC7UaIEBEzZtCALPpdWM5YSgEAXJTOAWdsVOkg==&ch=GmbRZGHT90Az9RBUfYJ0YfqedGjDTFwrkaMLR6sZW6_uODoMCiSsbA==

(SAVANNAH, GA) Isabella 2 is a female orange tabby cat who is two years old and is currently living at Coastal Pet Rescue. She is good with dogs and is looking for a home. For more information on Isabella 2 and to view other animals in need of a home, visit http://coastalpetrescue.org/adopt/


TWITTER https://twitter.com/carriagetradepr 


(SAVANNAH, GA) Sign up for (SAVANNAH, GA) COMMUNITY HEADLINES™ weekly email distribution each Monday morning at 8:00am. http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013MkN_a_4re6U1j7AnC0lIHOyfXJVgmA1i4zkVZpl8KmZO8hvdmHkLTuaj5D3vJCcTKfzYf3zCTiZUYQgniY-p8Bw0G48C1yRm7jv0MUNQ-3Vm6QC8FWYIWcULwIgbA-enRdkraijSFDcTQIdNY_KbPS2Y7aedTtAiz__2Bi99O5maVMfTb9kt-o0GEJtOm4NshCr62hjRdPgxsj8sKviiTHKTLu6pbEcs-p0clyEkbHQc-TyIJnFE0xTElWrUiblWTQXtGKOVwmwB4GRotR1ITqft5BNDFCp-8GCB4N6BxI=&c=rF2laSPr5zB7-wyZFC7UaIEBEzZtCALPpdWM5YSgEAXJTOAWdsVOkg==&ch=GmbRZGHT90Az9RBUfYJ0YfqedGjDTFwrkaMLR6sZW6_uODoMCiSsbA==  




Carriage Trade Public Relations, celebrating twenty years publicizing the "powerful reputation" of businesses by creating positive word-of-mouth in the community and online.   
