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(SAVANNAH, GA) The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society has announced Stratton Leopold as the Grand Marshal for the 11th annual Buddy Walk on Oct. 1. Leopold is a film producer and ice cream shop owner from Savannah. He will lead the one-mile march at the event. The Buddy Walk will begin on Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. in Forsyth Park. For more information, visit https://carriagetradepr.com/
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(SAVANNAH, GA) The Georgia Department of Transportation and Georgia Bikes is developing an action plan aimed at increasing safety for people who bike, and need your help to under the challenges. Click on this link to fill out the survey, https://www.georgiabikes.org/
(INC) Women Entrepreneurs Are Crushing it in 2016
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Savannah Film Alliance (SFA) is pleased to debut its new logo, developed by Ray Jacobs of Tytan Creates. The emblem is intended to provide a strong brand statement to the film industry about SFA’s mission in promoting the Savannah area film community and will serve as a symbol of pride and ownership for SFA members. For more information, visit https://carriagetradepr.com/savannah-film-alliance-unveils-new-logo-developed-newly-appointed-creative-director-ray-jacobs/
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(SAVANNAH, GA) The most recent Enmarket Encourage Health Education program included a $1,000 check presentation to the Savannah Tree Foundation, a 33-year-old nonprofit organization aiming to protect all trees in Savannah and Chatham County. For more information, visit https://carriagetradepr.com/healthy-savannah-enmarket-present-1000-encourage-health-grant-savannah-tree-foundation/
(SAVANNAH, GA) In recognition of September being Peripheral Arterial Disease P.A.D awareness month, Savannah Surgery Center will once again be offering free screening days for those who may be at-risk of the disease. The screenings will take place at the Savannah Surgery Center, located at 5105 Paulsen St. Suite C-140, on Friday, Sept. 30 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. This is the third year Savannah Surgery Center has held this screening event for the public. For more information, visit https://carriagetradepr.com/
(BUSINESS INSIDER) 11 Horrible Body Language Habits
(SAVANNAH, GA) Students and Faculty at Beach High School partner with COPE to provide healthy foods for Beach parents and staff every first Thursday of the month. COPE (Childhood Obesity Prevention + Education) stands by a threefold approach to combating childhood obesity and behavioral health. They offer education and prevention programs to parents and caregivers. To learn more about their efforts, visit http://www.copeforchange.org
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(SAVANNAH, GA) The University of Georgia Business Development Center will be hosting a seminar on “How to do Business With the Federal Government” on Wednesday, September 21 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. This will take place at Business Innovation Group, Georgia Southern University City Campus, 58 East Main Street, Statesboro, GA 30458. They will also be hosting a workshop called “All About Certifications” on Thursday, September 22, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.This event will be held at Small Business Resource Center at 111 E. Liberty St., Savannah, GA 31401. The cost to attend both is $30 each and space is limited. To register, visit https://www.georgiasbdc.org/
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Savannah Bicycle Campaign will be hosting its annual bike sale on Sunday, September 25 at the headquarters, 1301 Lincoln St. Purchasing a bike will benefit affordable transportation to those in need and will aid in The Savannah Bicycle Campaign making a positive impact in people’s lives. To learn how to make a difference, visit http://bicyclecampaign.org/
(SAVANNAH, GA) Horizons Savannah will host the “Grab a Bag for Kids” event on Friday, September 30 at the Savannah Golf Club. This event will feature designer purses to be auctioned off and a lunch for guests. The auction begins at 11:00 a.m. and the lunch starts at noon. The cost is $30/person or $300 for a table ten. For more information on the Grab a Bag for Kids charity luncheon and purse auction, visit http://www.horizonssavannah.org or call 961-8854.
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(Savannah, GA) Living Independence for Everyone (LIFE), Inc. will be hosting a Popcorn and a Movie Peer Support Social, Thursday, September 22nd, from 1:00 – 3:30 pm, in LIFE’s conference room located at 5105 Paulsen Street, Ste. 143-B. We will enjoy the movie, Extraordinary Measures, which is based on events in the life of John Crowley and his family, and dramatizes the father’s quest to find a cure for Pompe disease, a relatively rare genetic condition that afflicts two of his three children. For additional information, contact Jessica Mathis at 912.920.2414, jmathis@lifecil.com or visit www.lifecil.com
(FORBES) 6 Ways Personal Branding is Your Secret Weapon
(SAVANNAH, GA) Yoga & Coloring Meditation Workshop: KALI theme with Kelley Boyd on Sat, Oct 1 at 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm, a joy ride for the body and soul! You will harness and embrace your inner warrior through a powerful and grounding yoga practice suitable for students of all levels. Expect creative sequencing of strong standing postures, mind sharpening balance postures leading to a cool down and a deep relaxation. Nurturing follows your yoga practice as you settle into stillness with a color meditation (designs will be provided) while Kelley leads you through the magical & mythical story of Kali’s Birth, Death and Rebirth. Full details at http://savannahyoga.com/
(SAVANNAH, GA) On Saturday, Oct. 1 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Dr. Allen Hunt will speak at The Blessed Sacrament located at 1003 E. Victory Drive, Saannah, GA 31405. The presentation will be presented by Dynamic Catholic on “The Four Signs: Incredible Possibilities for Your Life and Your Parish.” Guests will leave with a personal plan to help them become the best versions of themselves. Dr. Hunt is a nationally recognized speaker and best-selling author. Register at http://cart.dynamiccatholic.com/The-Four-Signs-Savannah-GA-p/fs100116.htm
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(INC) 5 Tips for Powerful PR in the Digital Age
(SAVANNAH, GA) A Savannah tradition, the Annual Greek Festival, will be held Thursday, October 6 through Saturday, October 8 at the St. Paul’s Hellenic Center, 14 West Anderson St. The 66th annual celebration will feature homemade Greek food, desserts, drinks, dancing and live music, along with a marketplace and church tours. For more information, visit http://www.savannahgreekfest.
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(SAVANNAH, GA) HUGS, Heads-Up Guidance Services, will host the 2016 BOO BASH Halloween Party on Friday, Oct. 21 from 7:30-11:30 p.m. at the American Legion Post on Bull Street. The night will be filled with music, dancing, a costume contest, a 50/50 raffle, food specialties by local chefs, and more. Guest must be 21 and over to attend, the cost is $35/person and tables of 8 can be reserved for $280. For more information visit, http://www.headsupsavannah.org
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Two Hundred Club of the Coastal Empire is set to host the Red, White and Blue BBQ. The second annual BBQ, to benefit The Two Hundred Club’s Fallen Heroes Memorial, will feature live music, delicious barbecue, Coca-Cola products and beer. The event will be held in Ellis Square on Saturday, October 22 from 11:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. For more information, please visit www.twohundredclub.org
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Hospice Savannah Golf Tournament presented by USI Insurance Services will be held on Monday, Oct. 24 at the Landings Club’s Plantation Course. The Driving Range and lunch will begin at noon. A four-man scramble (captain’s choice) will begin at 1:15 p.m. with a shotgun start. The fees are $150 per golfer or $600 per foursome. All proceeds benefit Hospice Savannah. For more information, visit http://www.hospicesavannah.
(SAVANNAH, GA) The Humane Society of Greater Savannah will host the 2016 Dog Lovers’ Walk on Saturday, November 12 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. The 1.5-mile walk will take place at Messiah Luthern Church, 1 West Ridge, Savannah, GA 31411. To learn more and register, visit http://www.humanesocietysav.
(SAVANNAH, GA) Meet Mitchell, a golden retriever mix looking for his forever home. Mithcell is a large lovable dog that is good with cats and children. Stop by the Coastal Pet Rescue and consider taking this guy home to be your next pet. For more information on Mitchell, visit http://coastalpetrescue.org/
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