(SAVANNAH, GA) Concert April 10 by Rotarians, benefits Foundation. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Concert April 10, 2010: need Rotarian Performers, Volunteers and Sponsors

A Collaborative Rotary Fundraiser for the Rotary Foundation

WHO: Area Rotarians to Jam together April 10 at a Play it Forward Concert to Benefit the Rotary Foundation. The concert is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Tickets are $25. Entertainment, food and drinks included. Sponsorships available at $500 and $1000.

WHAT: Fundraiser for The Rotary Foundation which is  a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.

WHERE: PLAY IT FORWARD CONCERT will be held at  Stage Front Presentation Systems’ warehouse located at  6 Southern Oaks Drive off of Chatham Parkway.

WHEN: April 10, 2010 from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm


*Rotarians to perform. Dust off that old guitar or whatever and have some fun for a good cause. Call Ken Carter at 912-525-5024 or kcarter@lucastheatre.com

*Sponsors that can help support the concert at a $500 or $1000 tax-deductible level. Call Carolyn Trosdal for more information 843-757-2559 or ctrosdal@hargray.com

*Volunteers that can help service, host, set-up and clean up. Call Henry Whitfield at 912.651-2556 or hwhitfield@georgiasouthern.edu

For more information please visit www.savannahrotary.wordpress.com. or call Marjorie Young at 912.844.9990 marjorie@carriagetradepr.com.


See you April 10 for this area-wide Rotary Foundation Fundraiser!


Marjorie Young / Savannah Rotary member


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