Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to reach out and help needy youth in our community? If so, Park Place can help you keep that resolution. Park Place still needs your help with the completion of the new shelter at 514 E. Henry Street. The anticipated “start the move in” date is February 11. You can help in the following ways:
• Make a donation to Park Place to assist with the continuing operational expenses . Checks may be made out to Park Place Outreach, Inc.; 11 W. Park Ave. Savannah, GA 31401
• Join in the Housewarming Showers. Gift cards may be purchased at Haverty’s Furniture, LaZBoy Furniture, and items and gift cards maybe purchased from the Bridal Registry (Park Place) at Linens N Things and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Everyone participating in the Housewarming Showers will receive an invitation to the Park Place Shower and Tour of the new home to be held, April 5, 1:00 – 4:00.
• Volunteer to help with the move the week of February 11 – 16.
• Volunteer to sponsor the youth staying at the shelter to a movie, roller skating, or other activities popular with teen-agers.
Park Place is an Emergency Shelter for youth ages 11 – 18 who are living in an abusive home situation or who have runaway from such a home. They can knock on our door anytime, we are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Many of them are brought to us by the police, DCFS, teachers, neighbors, and sometimes parents who are unable to control their child. Our counselors work with the family in an attempt to help them create a loving home environment. When this is not possible, they are placed in a longer term facility. Park Place has been serving the Savannah community for almost 25 years. The current location is in a 125 year old building at 11 Park Avenue.
For further information you may contact any of the following board members who live at The Landings: Bob Egan, president; Marolyn Overton, v. president; Jim Hazel, secretary; Jack Hart; Maggie Kivlen; Tom Mahoney; Nancy Sheets; and Betsy Taylor or call the Executive Director, Linda Lamas at 234-4048.