(Savannah, GA) Savannahjobs.com’s goal is to advertise job openings for employers in the area. These keyword rankings insure that job seekers will find SavannahJobs.com. SavannahJobs.com has measurable evidence of that greatness, as they announce their ranking for job searches among the largest internet search engines.
"According to Google, Yahoo and MSN," explains Rob Jones, president of Savannahjobs.com, "Savannahjobs.com ranks #1 as the most searched sites for jobs in Savannah, GA."
Rob Jones doesn’t take all the credit for the sites success, with the help from River Horse Internet Marketing, savannahjobs.com has seen remarkable growth from following the strategic marketing plan developed with the marketing powerhouse.
"Joe Ippolito at River Horse Internet Marketing has a plethora of knowledge and we were fortunate enough to learn from him and implement a number of things that has increased our success tenfold," says Jones. "We learned a lot about online search from River Horse Internet Marketing with the hope of helping our clients find more job seekers".
Savannahjobs.com was launched in 2000 and is currently one of the most visited job search boards in the Savannah area. Their family of sites include, Blufftonjobs.com, Hiltonheadislandjobs.com, Goldenislesjobs.com, Statesborojobs.com and Jobsinkennesaw.com.