(SAVANNAH, GA) SavannahJobs.com has partnered with The CoastalSource.com



SavannahJobs.com has partnered with The CoastalSource.com, adding a job board to The Coastal Source’s web site. 
SavannahJobs.com’s database will be used to help bring more visibility to jobs in the Savannah area. Through the TCS Jobs portal, businesses can post for specific positions while candidates can browse jobs based on different criteria such as location, description, type and keyword.   
To view the job board go to:  The Coastal Source 
Rob Jones, President of SavannahJobs.com said "the partnership greatly expands the market for advertising our client’s jobs. Clients that post their positions with Savannahjobs.com will receive double exposure for their jobs. The goal of SavannahJobs.com is to advertise our client’s jobs to the widest possible audience for the best price; this partnership helps us to achieve that goal. The increased exposure that thecoastalsource.com will bring is exciting and no other job board in the area can match." 
"We’re very pleased to partner with SavannahJobs.com to provide an extensive database of employment opportunities for businesses and job seekers in our community," said Sue Burke, Director of Interactive Media at The Coastal Source. The Coastal Source is area’s official Web site for television stations Fox 28 and WJCL-TV, the ABC affiliate. 
SavannahJobs.com is a company of the Sullivan Group 
SavannahJobs.com was started in 2000 as a locally focused job board. It has grown over the years to be one of the most visited job boards in the area, with over 25,000 visitors monthly. Currently SavannahJobs operates job boards in Charleston with CharlestonJobs.com and Kennesaw GA with Jobsinkennesaw.com other boards include HiltonHeadIslandJobs.com, BlufftonJobs.com and GoldenIslesJobs.com 
The Sullivan Group is a Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) company focused on supporting small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Serving hundreds of small businesses in Georgia and South Carolina, The Sullivan Group provides each customer with the critical support and expert resources needed for a wide range of HR challenges including employee benefits, payroll, compliance tactics, staffing and workers compensation insurance. 
Founded in 1986, through its numerous divisions, the Sullivan Group is able to provide its clients an array of human resource services. 
To learn more about The Sullivan Group and how they can help your business, go to www.simplysullivans.com or call 912.352.3800. 
To learn more about The Coastal Source visit www.thecoastalsource.com 

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