(Savannah) Learn “How to Make Green by Going Green” at June meeting of U.S. Green Building Council


Thatcher Young, Sustainability Advisor with Georgia’s Pollution Prevention Assistance Division, will speak to the Savannah chapter of the USGBC June 24 on the topic “Want to Find Out How to Make Green by Going Green?” The meeting is free and open to the public.

“Sustainability directly improves an organization’s bottom line, making them more competitive and unique in the marketplace,” Young said.

Young will discuss FREE assistance to Georgia organizations for designing and implementing a sustainability strategy. Georgia’s Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (P²AD), a non-regulatory division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, provides free, confidential environmental technical assistance and resources like The Sustainable Office Toolkit. Young will cover energy and water efficiency, waste reduction and recycling, alternative transportation, green building and green purchasing.
The meeting will be held Tuesday, June 24 from 5:45-7 p.m. on the second floor of Wild Wing Cafe in City Market. RSVP by June 20 to wards@thempc.org.
Thatcher Young joined the Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (P²AD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources in March 2007 as a pollution prevention advisor. He serves on the Environmental Leadership Team of the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia where he is Partne r Representative. His responsibilities include Partner interaction facilitation, Environmental Management Systems design and implementation assistance, and sustainability education. He is also responsible for expanding P²AD’s services to small and medium sized organizations utilizing P²AD’s newly released Sustainable Office Toolkit.

Young holds a master’s degree in Natural Resource Management from Georgia State University. Before coming to P²AD, Thatcher worked for Georgia Electric Membership Corporation in governmental affairs and economic development.

The Savannah Chapter of the United States Green Building Council is dedicated to promoting sustainable design and green building throughout the Creative Coast. The group meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The meetings are open to the public, and everyone is encouraged to attend. The USGBC-Savannah Chapter seeks to educate the public on the long-term benefits of green building and how sustainable design can be integrated or implemented into one’s life.

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