(SAVANNAH, GA) Publix Super Markets Charities awarded Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter with a $1,000 grant in support of their community outreach efforts. The grant money will be used to continue to provide runaway, homeless and at-risk youth with the counseling and services they require.
“We are so grateful for the generous support of Publix Super Markets Charities,” said Linda Hilts, Park Place Outreach – Youth Emergency Shelter’s executive director. “We can’t thank them enough for helping us combat the challenges facing our community and ensuring that we will have the ability to continue the work that we do.”
According to the Chatham-Savannah Authority for the Homeless’ most recent homeless count in 2014, there are 3,997 homeless persons including 717 children and youth, 1127 women and 2153 men, 285 of which are veterans. This count does not include more than 800 homeless children enrolled in the public schools as they do not meet HUD definition of homeless but are considered homeless under the public school system.
Opened in 1984, the shelter, open 24 hours a day, offers youth, between the ages of 11 and 17, a safe and loving environment. With the generous support of local organizations such as Publix Super Markets Charities, Park Place Outreach Shelter has helped over 6,000 individuals. For more information, please visit http://parkplaceyes.org

Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter, located at 514 E. Henry St., provides support for troubled children and teens in Savannah and the surrounding area. Opened in 1984, the shelter, open 24 hours a day, offers youth, between the ages of 11 and 17, a safe and loving environment. Homeless, abused or runaway teenagers can self-admit themselves into this shelter. The Street Outreach Program team offers mentoring to resident adolescents and provides counseling, clothing and personal care items to teens and young adults up to age 21 that are in need and might not come in to the shelter. Whenever possible, the organization’s goal is to keep kids off the street and reunify families. Park Place Outreach – Youth Emergency Shelter is an equal opportunity provider and employer. With the generous support of local organizations and individuals, the Park Place Outreach Shelter has helped over 6,000 individuals. For more information, please visit http://parkplaceyes.org or join the group on Facebook (ParkPlace) and Twitter (@parkplaceyes).
Linda K. Hilts
Park Place Outreach
Youth Emergency Shelter
514 E. Henry Street
Savannah, GA. 31401
912-234-4048 Fax 912-651-3621
Marjorie Young
Carriage Trade PR, Inc.