SCORE’s “Key Questions Small Business Owners ask about Business Insurance” Lecture on September 25
(SAVANNAH, GA) Savannah SCORE announces the Top Ten Tips Lecture Series, entitled “Top 10 Questions Small Businesses Ask about Business Insurance”. The presentation will be in the SCORE conference room, 111 E. Liberty Street, Savannah. It will run from 11:30 to 1:00 on Sept. 25, 2014. The expert speaker will be Daniel Pavlin, a Vice President in Commercial Lines at Bernard Williams & Company. The lecture is free and open to the public. Please RSVP at SCORE 912-652-4335.
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Business insurance protects businesses against a variety of work related risks that could result in lawsuits and devastating financial damages. Pavlin will discuss the frequently confusing questions owners have when purchasing and continuing business insurance, including:
1. I’m just getting my business started. Do I need insurance right away?
2. Why do I need workers compensation?
3. Is insurance coverage different for different businesses?
4. Why do insurance carriers audit?
5. What types of property insurance should I consider buying?
6. What is a wind and hail deductible?
7. What is happening with flood insurance?
8. Should business loans be insured?
9. How does Progressive have all their competitor’s rates?
10. When do the penalties hit for Obama Care?
ABOUT DANIEL PAVLIN: Daniel Pavlin has been with Bernard Williams & Company for over 10 years. A Graduate of Savannah Christian Preparatory School and Milligan College, he lives in Richmond Hill with his wife Lauren and their four children. Dan has a passion for serving the community through endurance sports and special events, is a member of Savannah Christian Church, and is on the leadership team of Buy Local Savannah, Savannah Harbor Foundation, and FCA Endurance Savannah.
ABOUT SCORE: SCORE is a national non-profit organization which, in partnership with the Small Business Administration, offers advice and mentor expertise to entrepreneurs desiring to start their own businesses, or to business owners who want to grow , tailor or fine tune their existing businesses. SCORE has 31 local mentors and a backup roster of 13,000 mentors nationwide. All of our services are free of charge. Please visit our web site at or call the Savannah office at 912-652-4335 to schedule an appointment with one of our mentors.
For more information, contact:
Marjorie Young
Carriage Trade PR, Inc.