(SAVANNAH, GA) Noah Yaughn to speak at SCORE’s Top Ten Tips Monthly Lecture Series, on Thursday, January 24, 2013 from 11:30am to 1:00pm at the Small Business Resource Center, 111 East Liberty Street. He will be speaking about TOP TEN TIPS on How to get the most from your Social Media. Lecture is free. RSVP to

For something that has only been in existence in the last ten years; social media has gotten a lot of press. It has also grown in complexity as it has gone from a place for friends to get together to something companies develop entire strategies around. This can be quite daunting.

1. Now is now. Some people believe that social media is a fad and that it will be replaced with something else that will be replaced with something else. With well over 1 billion people engaged in social media and a projected $5.9 billion to be spent on social media advertising* it is not likely going anywhere soon, but yes, eventually it will. Here’s the thing though: That’s okay. It doesn’t mean that it should be avoided. What is working now should be utilized now. It would be silly to think that just because one day we will be watching holograms instead of TV; that we should abandon TV or refuse to get caught up in it. Use social media now because it works now. 89% of people are more likely to purchase a product because a friend recommends it. Social Media is a loud speaker for people to recommend products and services to their friends.

2. Social Media Plays Well with Others. Using social media doesn’t mean abandoning marketing vehicles that have worked in the past. Incorporating social media into current marketing campaigns can increase response rates and make your brand appear more relevant to younger demographics. Most traditional media outlets have already created social media presences themselves and are willing to promote their customers social media properties, if they exist.

3. More than a profit center. Social has so many more purposes than just getting likes. Using it just to advertise products or services is just a small part of its power and that’s why asking “What’s the ROI?” as the sole reason for dismissing or adopting social media isn’t the best way to look at it. What’s the ROI of your customer service or market research or brand reputation? Social Media can be a powerful tool for all of these and intangibly they help the bottom line. Ask questions, get feedback. Doing so can identify needs that your customer has, but may not be getting met, opening the door to new profit centers.

Noah is the owner of Arc Media Group. ARC Media is dedicated to helping businesses build high value relationships with their customers through web development, search engine optimization, and social media. Noah has spoken throughout the Low Country on the importance of social media. As a firm believer in SCORE and its mission of helping business owners, Noah will answer the most important questions about social media and how it can benefit the business.

SCORE is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the small business community through free mentoring and business counseling. SCORE members volunteer their time and business expertise to help coach the next generation of entrepreneurs. In Savannah there are 30 Mentors for face to face consulting, and 13,000 mentors available on the national SCORE website. Business owners can contact mentors who are in their trade or field of business by email to address specific questions. Out of the 13,000 mentors, approximately 80 percent are retired and 20 percent of the mentors are active business owners. Business hours for the Savannah location of SCORE are Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please visit for more information.

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