Goodwill of the Coastal Empire Announces Stand Down for Homelessness Resource and Job Fair
(SAVANNAH, GA) The eleventh annual Veterans Stand Down for Homelessness Resource and Job Fair plans to be held September 16 and 17 at the Savannah Civic Center from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Participants are offered a hot meal, haircuts, showers and opportunities for a variety of health screenings. Representatives from more than 40 Social Service agencies are available to provide information and outreach on a variety of services including housing options, job resources, resume writing tips, substance abuse treatment, income tax assistance, and accesses to Social Security and Veteran’s Administration services.
This event is a collaboration of Savannah’s military and nonprofit communities to reach individuals in crisis and connect them with programs and services that will end their homelessness. The Stand Down is intended to serve homeless veterans but is open to all individuals and families impacted by homelessness. There is no cost to attend.
Community sponsors include The Department of Veteran Affairs Community Out-base Patient Clinic; The Savannah Vet Center; the American Legion Post 500; Goodwill of the Coastal Empire, Inc.; the Military Order of the Purple Hearts; the Chatham Savannah Authority for the Homeless and the Salvation Army.
Each year over 400 community volunteers assist with the Stand Down, including the Social Work department at Savannah State University that coordinates the distribution of clothes and personal items to veterans experiencing homelessness.
Three hundred (300) veterans experienced homelessness in Chatham County in 2013 according to statistics released by the Chatham-Savannah Authority for the Homeless. Traditionally, the Homeless Authority sees veterans from the Vietnam era, however, more and more veterans from the Gulf and Afghanistan conflicts are presenting for various services. These men and women have served their country and we want them to know that the Savannah community is here to help them when they return.
The Stand Down is funded in part by Goodwill of the Coastal Empire, Inc. Operation Open Doors, The United States Department of Veterans Affairs, The Chatham-Savannah Authority for the Homeless, and The Salvation Army.
About Goodwill of the Coastal Empire
Goodwill of the Coastal Empire, Inc. is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization with over 850 employees. In 2013, Goodwill provided services to 19,518 people and placed 1,672 into employment. Goodwill serves 33 counties in Georgia and South Carolina, operating 19 retail locations, and nine Job Connection Centers. Goodwill accepts tax deductible donations of clothing, household items, computers, and car donations, as well as operates an online store at . For more information on Goodwill of the Coastal Empire, please visit . Find us on Facebook: Savannah Goodwill or follow us on Twitter: @SavGoodwill.
About Chatham-Savannah Authority for the Homeless (CSAH)
The mission of CSAH is to lead the effort to build and sustain community practices to eliminate homelessness. CSAH collaborates and develops a continuum of services for the homeless including child and family development, low income housing development, community outreach, case management, education, training, literacy support, employment, health and nutrition, transportation, and behavioral health services. CSAH works with community leaders to educate the public about why homelessness occurs and how to work together to solve these pressing issues. The most recent homeless count reveals 762 children and youth, 1305 women and 2126 men (300 of these adults are veterans). For more information go online to .
Jan Bass
Marketing Director
Goodwill of the Coastal Empire
Media Contact
Marjorie Young
Carriage Trade PR, Inc.