LDSS Announces Camp Buddy 2019 in Chatham, Effingham
(CHATHAM AND EFFINGHAM COUNTIES) The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society (LDSS) will host its eleventh annual Camp Buddy summer camps in Chatham and Effingham Counties later this month and in July.

The Effingham County camp is scheduled for June 24-28; in Chatham County, it will be held July 8-19.
Camp Buddy offers programs to prepare children for the upcoming school year with the goal of promoting information retention from the previous year. Special education teachers along with occupational, physical and speech therapists have worked to design a customized curriculum for the program.
“Camp Buddy has helped many children to excel in new areas and become stronger students as they approach the upcoming year,” said Pam Hussey, Chatham Camp Buddy director. “We look forward to continuing and even bolstering that legacy with our eleventh year.”
Activities will include a special field trip, crafts, music, dancing, pet therapy and operating the camp store.
This year’s Chatham Camp Buddy will have a Super Hero theme designed to bring an action-filled twist to camp activities such as music, dance, arts and crafts as well as STEM activities, baking and math games.
Chatham County high school campers will ride the city bus to visit Bitty and Beau’s coffee shop where they will learn about employment, make cookies and deliver them to the Ronald McDonald House. They also will pack food at America’s Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia.
Information on Chatham Camp Buddy:
Dates: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from Monday, July 8 through Friday, July 19.
Times: Middle and high school camps will be 9 a.m.-1 p.m., and elementary school camp will be 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Preschoolers will attend from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Location: Marshpoint Elementary School in Savannah, Ga.
For more information about Chatham Camp Buddy, contact Pam Hussey at (912) 220-6429 or
Information on Effingham Camp Buddy:
Dates: Every day from Monday, June 24, through Friday, June 28.
Times: Camp for ages 3-9 will be 8:30-11:30 a.m., and camp for ages 10 and up will be 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Location: Blandford Elementary School in Rincon, Ga.
To learn more about Effingham Camp Buddy, contact Molly Marchese at (912) 213-9127 or
Camp Buddy is sponsored by the Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society and is made possible through the generosity of the community, friends and families of LDSS and events such as the Buddy Walk and Night of Champions. For more information about LDSS, visit
The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society (LDSS) supports people with Down syndrome and their families through local leadership, support, outreach, education and advocacy. Meetings are held every fourth Tuesday of the month, typically with a guest speaker and social time for families to meet and interact. LDSS encourages the whole family to attend; children of all ages are welcome. LDSS is an affiliate of the National Down Syndrome Society. For more information about LDSS, visit
Kayla Johnson
Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society
10701 Abercorn St., #60786
Savannah, GA 31420
Marjorie Young
Carriage Trade Public Relations