(SAVANNAH, GA) Dr. Corinne Howington of Low Country Dermatology presented $500 to the Curtis and Elizabeth Anderson Cancer Institute at Memorial University Medical Center. This donation was made possible by proceeds raised during the inaugural skin cancer awareness excursion, “Melanoma, Take a Hike!”

The event took place through the scenic trails of Skidaway Island State Park during the high afternoon sun in recognition of Skin Cancer Awareness Month which is designated by the American Academy of Dermatology to raise awareness about the risk of skin cancer and increase the chances of early detection. Along the way, Dr. Howington and her staff shared prevention techniques for melanoma and answered questions from participants.
“With events like Melanoma, Take a Hike!, we hope not only to prevent skin cancer by teaching people how to protect themselves from harmful UV rays,” said Dr. Howington, “but also to support those organizations, like the Anderson Cancer Institute, who are fighting cancer’s devastating effects every day.”
The Anderson Cancer Institute provides cancer screening, diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, support services and long-term follow-up for cancer patients. Their disease management teams specialize in breast, colorectal, urology, melanoma, thoracic, head and neck, upper gastrointestinal, and gynecologic cancers.
Dr. Howington is a board-certified dermatologist with expertise in medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology. She and her staff also distributed SPF 30 sunscreen, which has been shown to prevent the onset of some types of skin cancer by 80 percent.
For more information on Low Country Dermatology, visit lcderm.com. For more information on the Anderson Cancer Institute, visit aci.memorialhealth.com.
Low Country Dermatology specializes in the treatment of adult and pediatric diseases of the skin, hair and nails. Dr. Corinne Howington is a board certified dermatologist with expertise in medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology. Low Country Dermatology is located at 310 Eisenhower Dr. Suite 12A Savannah, GA 31406. For more information, visit lcderm.com.
Media Contact:
Cecilia Russo
Cecilia Russo Marketing