Carriage Trade Public Relations, Inc.


(SAVANNAH, GA) Last chance to say NO to the Palmetto Pipeline  and say NO to Eminent Domain at the public hearing on Tuesday, April 21 at the Richmond Hill City Center (520 Cedar Street) beginning at 5 p.m. For more information on the public hearing, visit  http://www.pushbackthepipeline.com/  


(SAVANNAH, GA) Felder & Associates is pleased to announce the architecture firm has been recognized with the AIA Georgia 2015 Design Award in Renovation for its rehabilitation project of the historic Greyhound Bus Depot, now a new restaurant, The Grey. The Georgia Association of The American Institute of Architects (AIA) presented its 2015 Honor and Design Awards on April 11 in Atlanta. For more information, visit https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/04/17/georgia-architects-association-grants-design-award-to-felder-associates/.    


(SAVANNAH, GA) Matilda Jane Clothing is pleased to announce the inaugural Derby Day Mother Daughter Chari-TEA to be held on Saturday, May 2 at the Savannah Golf Club, located at 1661 East President Street. Tea and cookies will be served from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Tickets are $25, with proceeds benefiting The Next Generation. Keeping in the tradition of Derby Day, guests are invited to wear their favorite hats. For more information, visit  https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/04/07/mother-daughter-derby-day-chari-tea-to-raise-funds-for-local-childrens-hospital/


(SAVANNAH, GA) Park Place Outreach provides a Street Outreach Program that identifies and assists runaways, homeless and street youth residing in Chatham County. Street Outreach program reaches out to the young people in our community up to the age of 21, that have runaway or that are homeless. For more information about Park Place Outreach, visit http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OKWCw5OQjwZ4iiCFRXAZCOTvlduPD2Aii5P_Eqv5AHEyQPKO5XUXkcdlWJo55HFqCp4b0PLAJLW1Q4omwPD-R-Z-EKE5dLJsL2zBxWjEJH-D0JODfOKydFgDkjQFEqRL6XjGIPoWPah45M74euutObaA3eQvh30E__4dEZrRAl3p-g6ZzGJnMDp6VwXdlt64XTEoxYB0ov_taMMDvrwrn_TvRLH4J43yDmIopS8PHCPKC-Lce8Nc-qtUiEtmTS4TUdSACQpYbSSqXt3IMuNWdSJQMQf-JdD_&c=yaaTudAAOJHHC4ZtNmDdYR3brfnf699mDcqug-DczbJENXqRgYtH0w==&ch=dIcpPzJ8rYQqUIS2kL3qtT2L5wRarJxPKOieAOtZ6ahhRB2kgNFsGg== 


(BUSINESS INSIDER) The Biggest Difference Between Google and Facebook-Explained By Someone Who Has Worked At Both


(SAVANNAH, GA) The Historic Whitman Mansion overlooking Forsyth Park was recently selected by Glamour Magazine as one of the top five wedding destinations.  Visit http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OKWCw5OQjwZ4iiCFRXAZCOTvlduPD2Aii5P_Eqv5AHEyQPKO5XUXkeiLtWyR6Mg3YtRriOblFyiBkbb9P4G50qXVEbUPEzX3GA0w8KzZhLFwIZoCuDla-OJ4OaX7cH5Iva6OZTQyGtVHYFbIplW8mBKK2-TjmFtjDZ99I5fVXNVOfyQYOW8oVDV5V66-CBgV6CajG-IEZwPc08w6rukcp5lVwyszlwPy_EQJo4EA1VuiPVO3_nvEYsfK7lNFsuePAO2rPcvGmj7XYVO5B3JTgOW18B17f1qrhRmcJiP5hO7LcksTcKvSiA==&c=yaaTudAAOJHHC4ZtNmDdYR3brfnf699mDcqug-DczbJENXqRgYtH0w==&ch=dIcpPzJ8rYQqUIS2kL3qtT2L5wRarJxPKOieAOtZ6ahhRB2kgNFsGg== 


(SAVANNAH, GA) The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society (LDSS) announces the sixth annual Night of Champions will be hosted Thursday, May 14 at 6 p.m. at the Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa – Hotel Grand Ballroom. This community celebration distinguishes local organizations that hire and retain differently-abled people, including those with Down syndrome, and recognizes the contributions made by these employees. This year’s Night of Champions will be emceed again by celebrity chef and author, Jamie Deen. For more information, visit  https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/ldss-announces-night-of-champions-to-honor-differently-abled-working-adults-and-their-employers/


(SAVANNAH, GA) Felder & Associates is pleased to announce that Anderson Resende has joined the Savannah architecture firm as a Project Associate. Resende’s chief responsibility is production of construction documents, working directly with clients, contractors, vendors and other members of the firm’s team. For more information, visit  https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/04/17/felder-and-associates-welcomes-associate/   



(SAVANNAH, GA) Business attorney Charles Bowen is scheduled to speak at Buy Local Savannah’s April Luncheon. His topic,"Top 10 Tips to Make Your Small Business Lawsuit-Proof," will focus on what business owners should do to ensure their companies are legal and to protect themselves from personal litigation that could have devastating financial damages. The luncheon will be held Thursday, April 23 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at Corleone’s, 44 Martin Luther King Jr. Bld., in Savannah. Reservations and advance payment may be made online at www.buylocalsavannah.com.


(INC) How Poor Email Etiquette Can Be A Deal Killer


(SAVANNAH, GA) On Monday, April 20 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm, there will be a presentation and discussion on ‘finding good work for people with developmental disabilities’ given by Lynn Breedlove for Chatham-Savannah Citizen Advocacy. This will be held at the First Presbyterian Church Social Hall, 520 Washington Avenue.For more information or to rsvp, call 912-236-5798 or


(SAVANNAH, GA) Hospice Savannah, Inc. announces the launch of a redesigned website featuring information on hospice care, palliative care, help for caregivers, and bereavement support. The site includes a secure online donation form and news on upcoming events such as Camp Aloha – an overnight children’s grief camp, the current Hospice Savannah Art Gallery show, Advance Directives planning, Summer Nights parties, and the late summer opening of the new Edel Caregiver Institute. To view the redesigned site, visit http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OKWCw5OQjwZ4iiCFRXAZCOTvlduPD2Aii5P_Eqv5AHEyQPKO5XUXkeiLtWyR6Mg3qAQiGfmawgDehcclfSrzOMVy4eVVLzdH5SBTPN7kFi7UKwLaV87eaLmnL1mW6ZjBu1uJJgkxWpaNeQsNhQLEdLcZcKmxkz32MhVuLCthSlEyP3mSb_-jVf55jrrQ059rlCoQjRO7YekD_uxRSr-UxgYoKoparV5rC4DVA-feS2z_-NuzjRHscaIg6TTjHzW5U9aPO-4yXelM0MFaVyc9Fxbp-DZtz2PgaGf7sWWS5a8=&c=yaaTudAAOJHHC4ZtNmDdYR3brfnf699mDcqug-DczbJENXqRgYtH0w==&ch=dIcpPzJ8rYQqUIS2kL3qtT2L5wRarJxPKOieAOtZ6ahhRB2kgNFsGg== or www.HospiceSavannahHelps.org .


(SAVANNAH, GA) SCORE is offering free webinars to aid small businesses. On April 21 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm, the topic will be International Shipping 101: How to Take Your Business Global. To register and learn more, visit https://cc.readytalk.com/r/juzxil586wef&eom 


(SAVANNAH, GA) Wilderness Southeast has a Salt Marsh Kayak Tour on April 28. Participants will be able to kayak the tidal creeks and salt marshes and to learn the fascinating systems, living and otherwise, that influence our richly productive marshes. Your Wilderness Southeast Naturalist Guide will enthrall you with tales of this place, from the earliest humans on these shores to the variety of wildlife that lives here. For more information and to register, call 912-236-8115


(BUSINESS INSIDER) 15 Tiny Design Features That Show Apple’s Insane Attention to Detail


(SAVANNAH, GA) Sponsored by Stevens Hale & Associates, the Royce Learning Center announces the inaugural Bourbon and Bowties to be held on Thursday, April 30 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum, located at 41 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The evening will spotlight locally sourced bourbon, hand rolled cigars and everything Southern. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit https://roycelearningcenter.org/bourbon-and-bowties/ 



(COASTAL PET RESCUE) Dash is a nine month old puppy in need of a home. He is a male Min Pin/ Chihuahua mix who was been at Coastal Pet Rescue since January. He is small, black, white and brown, and is good with dogs and kids. To view Dash and other pets who need a home, visit http://coastalpetrescue.org/adopt/view/2015-d-012-dash/ 


(SAVANNAH, GA)  Sign up for the second lecture in the 2015 Enmark Encourage Health Education Series, "Crossfit, Why and How It Works in Weight Loss," presented by Drew McKenzie, owner and operator with Crossfit Hyperformance on Tuesday, April 28. A free and Healthy lunch will be provided, but RSVPs are required at Healthy Savannah’s website, http://healthysavannah.org/event-signup-form-crossfit/. To learn more about the lecture, visit http://www.blogtalkradio.com/savannahopenforbusiness/2015/04/06/2nd-encourage-health-series-by-enmark-with-drew-mckenzie-on-april-28 



(SAVANNAH, GA) Enmark Stations will hold Full-Service Fridays across Ga., SC and NC to raise funds for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). A Full-Service Friday allows customers to pull into the Enmark Store, where members of the Enmark management team will be pumping gas, wiping windows and handing out coupons in hopes of collecting donations for LLS’ 2015 Light the Night event. Local radio stations will be broadcasting at each event. Hot dogs, drinks and snacks will be available and donors will be entered to win Enmark cash cards and other prizes. For more information, visit http://www.carriagetradepr.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1812&Itemid=16 


(SAVANNAH, GA) Ogeechee Riverkeeper is hold an April 25th paddle trip from Wadley to Coleman Lake where paddlers will enjoy a 7-mile journey through the upper Ogeechee’s twists and turns to take out at Coleman Lake. The trip is suitable for beginner to intermediate paddlers and people interested in joining a trip must register at www.ogeecheeriverkeeper.org by 4 p.m. on April 24th as no registrations or rentals will be accepted after the deadline. For a full schedule of our monthly trips, visit www.ogeecheeriverkeeper.org/events/paddle-trips/. 


(SAVANNAH, GA) The second annual Public Relations Internship and Nonprofit Organizations MissionPR:MIXER will be held Friday, April 24, in Savannah, GA from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Hear all the details: https://youtu.be/zge4uYAUgrA Participation is FREE, but students and nonprofit organizations must reserve a seat contact Cynthia Wright at cynthia.wright@carriagetradepr.com.


(SAVANNAH, GA) On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, from 11:00am to 1:00pm, the Title Sponsors; SCORE and Wells Fargo will present: The STATE OF SMALL BUSINESS. Reports will be issued by 10 area experts that will have 3 minutes each to present their information on measurable benchmarks relating to our Small Business Community. The FREE conference will take place at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center located at 1 International Drive. For more information, visit https://mysavannah.wordpress.com/2015/04/10/score-and-wells-fargo-to-sponsor-the-state-of-small-business-conference-on-june-24-2015/ 


(SAVANNAH, GA) The Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Association will celebrate its 18th anniversary on Saturday, April 25, 10:30 am at the Marsh Auditorium in Candler Hospital in Savannah. Polio survivors and guests are invited. For information or to register, call 912-927-8332.


(SAVANNAH, GA) Small change for a BIG change! Reed House is celebrating Esther Reed’s 92nd birthday by honoring her tradition of collecting change for a mental health clubhouse. Take your coins to any Sea Island Bank to join this celebration or take all the coins you can collect to Reed House, 1144 Cornell Avenue, Savannah, GA by 4:00 pm on June 1st to compete for a $500 prepaid American Express Card from Oglethorpe Mall. http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OKWCw5OQjwZ4iiCFRXAZCOTvlduPD2Aii5P_Eqv5AHEyQPKO5XUXkeiLtWyR6Mg3p27IFzmXTc0g0oFVpa10ItDygZlbDX7qZWotSJAFYJ5YiXNnSmB7XJ-6K5BZu2jGO4iEq3PFOzBVWaEG94at9JlWnHab2A_b7jzWgSRh3kXh2K_mXd13MNHbOfvy-sRKqrANqo6sxPfUXtJKa3LffNSU0nsGTVfrtnMfUVDes9uODra_oIEAhEEHpjZCLy4IzOmTkpavgM9kbE7MmUEKQH30FSA9WsMDfPBxLPiTJnQ=&c=yaaTudAAOJHHC4ZtNmDdYR3brfnf699mDcqug-DczbJENXqRgYtH0w==&ch=dIcpPzJ8rYQqUIS2kL3qtT2L5wRarJxPKOieAOtZ6ahhRB2kgNFsGg== 


(SAVANNAH, GA) Savannah Yoga Center’s current commUNITY partner is One Love Animal Rescue, which has "Paws for a Cause" coming up on April 25th at the Foundery Coffee Pub, located at 1313 Habersham St. One Love is now accepting any donations for a raffle to raise money for our four-legged friends. If you or anyone you know owns a business or an item that you would be willing to donate to One Love, please contact Amy M. Stoltz at (910) 322-0063. Or feel free to drop off items at Savannah Yoga Center, located at 1319 Bull St. in Savannah or 111 Canal St. #101 in Pooler.


(POOLER, GA) The National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force will be "Swingin’ in the 40’s" at the annual fundraising gala, The Legacy Ball on May 16 from 6:30pm to 11:00pm at the Mighty Eighth Museum in Pooler. The black tie optional evening will include cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, a full catered dinner and both a silent auction and for the first time, a limited live auction. Live & Silent auction items include hotel stays in Clearwater, Florida, Atlanta, Georgia, and Savannah, tickets to Disney, a fishing trip, artwork, and much more! Tickets are available for $100, and table of 10 are $900. Please contact Lynn Alexander for more information at lalexander@mightyeighth.org or call 912.988.1836


(SAVANNAH, GA) Angela Canfield, DDS of Sandfly Family Dental, is now accepting applications for the 2015 Canfield Mouth Shield Program. Local organizations may apply to win custom fit mouth guards in personalized colors for their entire team. Last year, Dr. Canfield donated maroon and white mouth guards to the Benedictine Military School football team, a donation totaling over $9,000 worth of protection equipment. For more information, visit


TWITTER https://twitter.com/carriagetradepr 


(SAVANNAH, GA) Sign up for (SAVANNAH, GA) COMMUNITY HEADLINES™ weekly email distribution each Monday morning at 8:00am. http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OKWCw5OQjwZ4iiCFRXAZCOTvlduPD2Aii5P_Eqv5AHEyQPKO5XUXkUpJDYeXVkK4O7PVk_8HSbAk4Yu_qVgN8u9h2hP4nZscUgkVSYll7TfdnBj_9x2rLHMd7Vz4PYYeVy3nIphizPyNf7JTA5OcjO1arCMnOz7OtxJam5e6Z7BoVt8CKmL2YZKGZGIDkDxJo0w28X5pkq7ABJb_kH4sUiuAad2jJhd-VlpqB1OV57BGK_pnwUznil5nmktlELBN6AHlbNYgaezCqkIm4xZU-4lWxciDKo97MmZE8iy5AAo=&c=yaaTudAAOJHHC4ZtNmDdYR3brfnf699mDcqug-DczbJENXqRgYtH0w==&ch=dIcpPzJ8rYQqUIS2kL3qtT2L5wRarJxPKOieAOtZ6ahhRB2kgNFsGg==  




Carriage Trade Public Relations, celebrating twenty years publicizing the "powerful reputation" of businesses by creating positive word-of-mouth in the community and online.   
