(SAVANNAH, GA) Park Place Outreach, Inc., New Treasurer Paine Bacon


Park Place Outreach, Inc., would like to announce it has a new treasurer.   Paine Bacon is a Certified Public Accountant, working as a manager at Holland, Henry & Bromley, LLP, a public accounting firm in Savannah.
Bacon is a native of Pembroke, Georgia, where he lives with his wife, Erin.   He says he feels honored to be serving as the new treasurer for the Park Place Board of Directors.
"I was looking for a new endeavor and when I learned of an opportunity to serve on the Board of a great cause like Park Place, I jumped at the chance,"
Paine previously served as Chairman of the Board of the Pembroke Christian Church until the end of December 2007.  In addition to his duties as the Treasurer, Bacon is also the Chairman of the Finance Committee.
The board members each play a key role in making decisions for Park Place.  Its most recent accomplishment is the completion of the new Park Place home, which is valued at more than $1.6 million.  Thanks to the hard work of the board members and donations of goods and services from the community, there is no mortgage on the new home.
Park Place Outreach provides emergency shelter and street outreach for adolescents ages 11 through 17 and their families. It is the only agency located within Chatham County that serves youth at no charge who are accepted without a referral to receive help.  Park Place Outreach opened in 1984. There are approximately 15-30 youth  served each month and about 200 each year.  For more information on Park Place, log on to the soon-to-be launched website at www.parkplaceeyes.org or call (912) 234-4048.

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