Savannah SCORE Offers Opportunity for Entrepreneurs to Win $10K to Launch Their New Business
(SAVANNAH, GA) Got an idea for a unique exciting new product or service? Then consider the new “BizPitch Savannah™” entrepreneurial competition, a kinder, gentler version of TV’s “Shark Tank.” It’s a chance to pitch your idea to a panel of judges with the potential to win $2500 in cash and a package of professional start-up business services worth an estimated $7,500.

This can either be a new start up or, if you have an existing business, you must have obtained your Savannah-Chatham business license after March 1, 2017. You must be at least 18 years old. Applications will be accepted through midnight, Wednesday, Aug. 1, with a $25 non-refundable application fee payable at the time of submission.
Eight finalists will be announced on Aug. 10, and will make their pitches to a panel of judges at the “BizPitch Savannah™” event on Friday, Sept. 7, from 4-6:30 p.m. at The Creative Coast, 2222 Bull St.
The five judges are Jesse Cole, entrepreneur and owner, The Savannah Bananas; Jen Bonnett, vice president of innovation and entrepreneurship for the Savannah Economic Development Authority and executive director of The Creative Coast; Susan Speros, founder and president of Speros Business Technology Solutions; Sheree Darien, community development loan officer, Small Business Assistance Corporation; and a certified Savannah SCORE Business Mentor.
Three winners will receive the cash and services.
Competition rules and application forms are available at
“BizPitch Savannah™” is presented by the Savannah Chapter of SCORE, the nation’s largest provider of free business mentoring and educational programs for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners. Sponsorships and donations for the event include those from:
Savannah Economic Development Authority
Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce
Savannah Morning News / GateHouse Media
ArcMedia Group
Small Business Assistance Corporation
Bouhan Falligant
Kenkel Design
Wells Fargo – The Private Bank
City of Savannah Office of Business Opportunity
The Creative Coast
Carriage Trade Public Relations® Inc.
Ad Specialty Services
For more info please contact Savannah SCORE at